Alumni ceremony of nursing and midwifery College, entrance 86, was held

Alumni ceremony of nursing and midwifery College, entrance 83 was held on 4th Februry, 2012 in the University’s Hemmat Razi Pardis hall with attendance of Dr cheraghi, Head of College and Dr Seyed Ahmadian, manager of Alumni office and a group of College Professors, midwifery Alumni, entrance 86 with their parents.
Alumni ceremony of nursing and midwifery College, entrance 86 was held on 4th February, 2012 in the University’s Hemmat Razi Pardis hall with attendance of Dr cheraghi, Head of College and Dr Seyed Ahmadian, manager of Alumni office and a group of College Professors, midwifery Alumni, entrance 86 with their parents.
At the first, Dr Seyed Ahmadian, Alumni Office Manger, Congratulated Fajr decade days, Auspicious birth of Prophet Muhammad (Salalah) and congratulations to students and their parents, noted to two points. he said: “This office was established in 1385 and its target is creating a bridge between University and Students that alumni can register in Alumni Office site and maintain their relevance with their classmates and their college.”
Dr seyed Ahmadian, in second part of his speech, with referring to distinction of medical courses with other courses, said: “we like God Servants and serve to god servants without being friend. He pointed to alumni in this ceremony and said:” you must provide the best service to patients as a nurse and should not distinguish between patients and you must act as professional morality and religion emphasizes and provides your services in a best manner to patients.”
At the end Alumni Office manager, after congratulation to alumni and their parents, said:’ I am happy to congratulate in behalf of Professor Bahadori, Head of alumni Office, to University responsible and I wish success in all life stages for all of you.’
Continuation of this ceremony, Dr Cheraghi, head of nursing and midwifery College Congratulated Fajr decade days, auspicious birth of Prophet Muhammad (Salalah) and congratulated to students and their parents, noted:’ In order to be professional in your job and can be successful in society and also society can count on you, remember always three points.
Cleanliness in opinion, gentle in speech and delicacy in behaviour is three important principles that Dr Cheraghi noted in his speech and added: ‘If you place these three principles in your act, your fate will have a bright future.’
At the following this ceremony, Mrs Rasti, student deputy of nursing midwifery college head, we had good memories with students duration these 4 years and among these students there are index people, she emphasized to nursing alumni, not to cut their relations with this office until colleagues can benefit from from their abilities.’
At the following of this ceremony, audience had a fun time with traditional music then alumni received their sheets and statues from professors and responsible and at the end, after reading of affidavit with association of Dr Nazari, Nursing college veteran, their graduation cake was cut.
At the end of this happy and memorable ceremony, was welcomed from guests.
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