Alumni office has been 12 years old/serious effort for University contact with alumni

Alumni office has been 12 years old/serious effort for University contact with alumni
TUMSAO News: 6th integrated ceremony of TUMS alumni was held with presence of elite and experts of health and treatment in hall of country ministry on 6th July 2017 and emphasized on serious effort for university contact with alumni.
Dr. Sayed ahmadian secretary of alumni office in TUMS expressed:’ today responsible and experts collected together to celebrate entrance of alumni to health field.’
At following, he said about background and activities of alumni office and added that this office has begun its activities for 12 years and it made all of his efforts.
Emphasize on evaluation of contact with education and targets of TUMS
Secretary of alumni office in TUMS emphasized on:’ Tehran University of Medical Sciences understands though alumni office that if presented educations to alumni within their education course is along with targets of University or not.’
He expressed:’ Contact with alumni is doing within 6 past years and before that colleges has been doing continuously that.’
At end of his speech added that celebration of alumni in Tehran University of Medical Sciences was held in biggest covered hall of country and in spite of this, we had some limitations in receptions.
sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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