Donation of honorary medal of international agency in research cancer to deputy health minister

TUMSAO: honorary medal of international agency in cancer research providing study achievements in the field of cancer was donated to Dr. Malekzadeh professor of TUMS, deputy research and technology of health minister.
TUMSAO: honorary medal of international agency in cancer research providing study achievements in the field of cancer was donated to Dr. Malekzadeh professor of TUMS, deputy research and technology of health minister.
According to WEBDA report, international agency of research cancer that is professional agency of WHO and its place is France and began its extensive activities in the field of cancer research and promotion of international cooperation.
Honorary medal of cancer research agency is donated to scientists, who their researches are about cancer epidemiology, identifying their risk factors and helping reduction of burden of this disease.
This Iranian scientist proved that consumption of opium and hot potables are very effective in establishing esophageal cancer. His achievements in the field of carcinogenesis of opium and hot potables are registered in international agency of cancer research.
Donation ceremony of honorary medal for cancer research was held on Tuesday 9th January in agency headquarters with presence of scientists and prominent researchers from around the world Dr. Malekzadeh before receiving honorary medal, he presented speech of ‘Richard dal’.
Dr. Malekzadeh executive of largest study of Cohort in Middle East and north of Africa, explained about Opioid carcinogenesis and added:’ it’s a largest problem of health around the world in which manner that more than 32 Million persons are utilizing it’.
He added:’ world production of opium has reached to highest level in 2014; however achieving studies with credible data on "long-term drug use" is challenging.’
Dr. Malekzade stated:’ lack of exact study in long-term drug use Leads to a lack of prospective epidemiological studies;’ this study can evaluate effect of these compounds on cardiovascular and cancer diseases.
Deputy research and technology of health ministry said that study of cohort that is done in north east of Iran about relation between carcinogenesis of opium and esophageal cancer is expressing this relation.
Dr. Malekzade said that in the basis of this study accordance to sex, age, education level and income approximately 17 percent of participants have reported permanent consumption of opium.
This prominent Iranian cancerous said that accordance to this report expressed that consumption of drug combinations leads to Ischemic heart disease, 59 percent pulmonary diseases, 47 percent esophageal cancer, stomach cancer 44 percent, stroke 41 percent and related to other cancers like Bladder, Larynx, Pancreas cancers.
Privileged professor of TUMS reminded that more than 33,000 deaths are annually occurred for overdosing drugs in USA and added:’ amount of mortality for consumption of drugs is considerably more than this statics. In addition to overdosing drugs, long-term usage of drugs is important risk factor of cancer formation and cardiovascular and chronic diseases too.’
He added:’ this study expresses that death report arising from long-term usage of drugs may be more than current estimates’.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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