Dr. Bahadori in professor house meeting said:’ sacrificing of Iranian medical team in corona virus outbreak is unique’

TUMSAO: meeting of professor house of imam hospital about the behavior of coronavirus was held verbally and virtually.
Professor house meeting after 2 months delay was held on Wednesday June, 24th in imam hospital complex, at first Dr. Bahadori said about sacrificing of Iranian medical team in corona virus outbreak and added it’s unique.
After him, Dr. emadi head of infectious group expressed:’ corona virus reproduces after entering body and its intensity is very high specially in people with diabetes, heart disease or obesity’.
At following, he explained its symptoms, patients’ problems and infects factors; he added that regarding to be unknown, observing hygiene points is most important.
He also expressed:’ in most countries, many restrictions have been applied but in Iran, many restrictions have been removed because corona virus damaged life very much and it has caused its rate rises’.
After him, Dr. Gatmiri vice chancellor of alumni office lectured:’ 4th professional commitment supposed to be held in March 2020 but for corona virus outbreak, it was cancelled and probably it will be combined verbally and virtually by observing health protocols’.
He added:' issues will be expressed i scientific pannels are as old panels and truly operation of health group, nurses and medicines have proved professional commitment'.
Dr. Gatmiri at the end of his speech said:'in festival part, we appreciate chosen ones who have tried in corona virus outbreak days'.
At the end of this meeting, Dr. Bahadori concluded expressed issues and said:' I think corona virus will remain for a long time then we must be adapted with it'.
He continued:'in this epidermic, medical staff have showed professional commitment. This is a unique character that only Iranian medicines have it like holy defense course'.
At the end, he emphasized:' treatment team services, is not only exceptional individually but also it's unique socially and economically that must be paid that in professional commitment seminar'.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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