Dr. Gatmiri: students must be supporters of university

TUMSAO: Dr. Hadian, head of rehabilitation school emphasized that you must appreciate the school and express abilities of your school in the future.
Integrated celebration of graduation was held on Tuesday 2019.07.02. Dr. Owliaee student assistant of rehabilitation school said:’ firstly you must respect to professionalism and use your medical achievements in treatment of patients’.
He also added:’ future belongs to all of you and you can exploit your knowledge because you are ambassadors of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and you can be more valuable in future’.
After him song group played varied musics.
At following, Dr. Gatmiri vice chancellor of alumni office said:’ we congratulate graduation and this day to all alumni and graduation from TUS is an important issue because in future you can promote your level’.
Alumni oath ceremony
At the end of this ceremony, Dr. Bagheri physiotherapy group manager said alumni oath and at the end of this program was playing live music and having a dinner.
Translator: Sid Mehdi Fazeli
International affairs expert
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