Dr. Karimi: young faculty of University must be encouraged

TUMSAO: In final session of faculties of 19th Avicenna festival best persons were selected in the fields of educational, research and special services.
According to the Public Relations of the University, at the first of this session that was held in council hall on Tuesday 2nd January, different candidates of educational, research and especial services were introduced then Jury committee announced their opinions about them.
Dr. Karimi Chancellor of University said:’ 19th course of Avicenna festival is held in University and aim of this festival is encourage of colleagues who have prominent activity in research and health services.’
He added:’ among faculty there are prominent professors that selection of best persons among them, is hard selection but annually best persons are selected in the fields of education, research, management and professional ethics.’
He added:’ this year best persons are selected carefully and because we cannot select best persons from past years, we decided to select new persons annually.’
He at the end of his speech noted that holding these festivals leads to encourage of faculty.
Dr. Sahraeian research deputy of University said that time of holding Avicenna festival is 4th February of 2018 and added that after initial review in special committees of educational, research and especial services, candidates were introduced to jury committee to decide for selection of them.
He added that aim of holding this festival is creating joy among faculty. Workplace must be happy and dynamic and I hope that this festival can create happiness in the fields of research, education and health.
Avicenna festival is held annually in anniversary of establishment of medical school in 4th February for appreciation from prominent achievements of education, research and special services.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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