Dr. Rezaeezadeh: Presence in TUMS means honor, commitment and responsibility

TUMSAO: Dean of traditional medicine school emphasized:’ knowing about past, stablish commitment and motivation’.
It’s an interview with Dr. Rezaeezadeh about 80th anniversary of TUMS establishment.
In threshold of 80th anniversary of TUMS establishment, do you think what message that this ceremony will have for academics?
Most important message of this ceremony is motivation and encouragement among all of managers and board of directors, clerks, students and alumni of TUMS.
What will imagine holding this ceremony in your mind?
In one sentence, solidarity and empathy for reaching to joint aims (education, research and clinical services.)
How do you evaluate University introduction programs?
I think in late years, University activities introduction have lunched within programs like Ibn Sina and… therefore all of us activate more for University promotion, because we are members of it.
Holding TUMS’s history exhibition and University achievements, what will have effect on TUMS?
Principally knowing about past years establishes commitment because everyone tries to keep past legacy and improve and promote it.
How does it help to identify weakness and power points?
Principally, in such event all of others efforts were reviewed at a glance therefore perhaps we can determine efforts of others
In this exhibition, in addition to schools hospitals, research centers and deputies will be attended too, what’s the message for this exhibition, when all the Units together are participating?
Most important message for this attendance is all University’s achievements owe all of colleagues and this shows that all of units are integrated and if all of units don’t activate integrate, no affairs will be done.
Most of innovations in the field of medical sciences have occurred in TUMS and many Universities have modelled it, what’s duty of academics for keeping that?
Being a good pattern for others is very important, but if we think that forever we will be at climax and reduce our acceleration, it’s a very bad judgment, because we don’t be successful at all and others will be replaced.
As we review past news, I hope we can register pleasant history for futures and when our operation is reviewed, we hope futures say that our activities and operations have a high standard.
When we come back past years, we see prominent professors in University’s records that have unique ethics, what’s your opinion about this point that how we can promote their ethics among academics?
In student course we have heard professor behaviors and thanks God; we saw them at past, I think introduction of these professors will be a pattern for other professors and will be a great motivation for students and all of us love good people and good ethics.
One of the most important and greatest university legacies is its alumni, what’s your program for participating in this ceremony?
Traditional medicine school has established alumni office and contemporary scientific institute of traditional medicine; we want to invite all alumni to cooperate with school, for this reason we have a good cooperation and relation with alumni, also traditional medicine school has tried to communicate with colleague and invite them for participating in this ceremony.
What’s your prediction about traditional medicine future?
All events in medical field is related to all of sciences in this field, of course we can see this case, in developing countries specially in Iran. I think this case, has been achieved in our University and we reach consolidated courses.
Can you explain most important program of traditional medicine school for future year?
In traditional medicine school, we want to vivify Iran’s scientific authority and promote Iran’s traditional medicine. We must prove health, research and ethics principles in traditional medicine school. We must establish health center for promotion of health level.
And last word?
Presence in TUMS is the greatest honor for us and everyone in this University must have a great merit. Proud of society service is a great joy for all academics and we have a little roll in providing society health and all of people services in this collection are source of blessings for society.
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