Dr. Bahadori Emphasized on supporting alumni in 4th integrated ceremony

TUMSAO News: in executive foundation of 4th integrated ceremony emphasized on relation promotion between alumni office and University.
TUMSAO News: Accordance to this report, in alumni responsible meeting that was held in 28.04.2015, Dr. Bahadori head of alumni office emphasized on improvement of alumni office conditions.
He also emphasized on informing and advertising and schools’ students must be informed soon as possible and added:’ this ceremony will establish vitality among alumni and professors will enjoy from their graduations very much.’
He also said:’ in renowned Universities around the world, these ceremonies are held with alumni financial and virtual support and we hope to benefit these supports.
At continuation of this meeting, Dr. Sayed Ahmadian Secretary of alumni office, said:’ Accordance to University responsible settlement, qualified alumni can participate in this ceremony freely.’
He also added:’ 1st attendant must pay 200,000 RLs and 2nd attendant must pay 300,000 RLs. ’
Ms. Zahedi Public affairs manager, added:’ this year we have capacity restriction for holding this ceremony and after registration time or registration completion, registration will be ended.’
All registrations will be checked and then a SMS will be sent to them and documentary completion time will be determined for them.’
She also emphasized:’ Accordance to a little time left for registration, all students must be informed through group message from registration time. We need students’ mobile No’s and colleagues must cooperate in this field.’ She also wanted to be introduced top students and professors from this office. Also in this ceremony different programs like University memorial exhibition and firework program will be held. ‘
At continuation of this meeting schools’ representatives expressed their comments about ceremony’s programs. `
Translator: Sayed Mehdi Fazeli
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