Dr. Bahadori: with aid of medical services, we’ll eradicate Corona viruses

TUMSAO: Head of the alumni office requested from TUMS’ alumni, in order to fight with Coronaviruses, help to the treatment system.
Join to campaign of fight with Corona viruses in Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Head of alumni office, wanted alumni, in order to fight with Corona viruses, help to treatment system.
Dr. Moslem bahadori head of alumni office said:’ these days are great opportuninity to cooperate with each other to overcome Corona viruses and medical services are very effective’.
He added:’ they must step up for health care, treatment, nursing and also for laberatory works’.
He also added:’ I as a pioneer of TUMS, want my dear colleagues to inspect hospitals, emergencies, Clinics and health centers to be eradicated this disaster’.
He also added:’ of course this cooperation is not only assigned to Medicines and nurses only but also all of other parts of hospitals must be active in this field (fight with corona viruse)’.
It’s also added that ‘jahadi.tums.ac.ir’ site, is ready to receive volunteers’ information to cooperate with executive team of confronting covid 2019 and also account number of 693227904 with ID Code: 201999 and account number of 253837662 (belongs to scientific, cultural foundation of Dr. Bahadori) is ready to absorb monetary aids of volunteers.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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