Dr. Imami said that medical school and hospitals are inseparable wings in the field of education

TUMSAO: Head of medical school said: ‘Holding 80th celebration of University establishment is respect to Medical education and University’s alumni that makes honor and pride.
In threshold of holding 80th celebration of University’s establishment, please explain more about its results brought to University?
It’s a great proud for me that this celebration is held at the time of my presidency at this school, I think that in addition to remember all of our medical honors, maintaining special relation with TUMS is the most important result for this celebration.
From 1985 that two Universities were separated from each other, I believe that this celebration is most important factor to tie two Universities to each other. These two Universities can help each other very much because gathering these 2 Universities’ powers can result in qualitative and quantitative promotion of science production.
It establishes Sense of honor and pride in the people, because holding this ceremony reminds past honors. When we look at past honors, it’s cleared that many people have tried until yet and this has a motivational role.
How do you evaluate advertising programs in our University?
For holding 80th celebration of TUMS, various programs have been held like holding an exhibition in Shohada Hall of Medical School and TUMS will participate in this ceremony with all of its hospitals. Some arrangements have been done with School that can express some of its abilities also we’ve decided to hold white coat celebration in the same time with 80th TUMS celebration. Generally some programs have been arranged that will be fun.
What’s your opinion about using atmosphere places in educational and research programs?
Certainly has direct effect on research and educational programs, and young people will see TUMS’s value. Holding this ceremony will motivate professors and students and will be a good factor for growth of education and research quality.
What effect will have holding history exhibition and University achievements?
Principally, one of most important ways that people respect to it is attention to his ancients and has an attention to his placement in past and what placement he has reached.
Appreciation from emeritus professors has an important message for students and it’s that students will be familiarized more with these professors.
How does holding this exhibition help to identify weakness and power points?
Participation in this exhibition, usually expresses some abilities and in this exhibition, medical school will participate with its hospitals and it will result in showing school’s abilities.
Fortunately or unfortunately 1st rank has not a serious competitor and we have a great distance with others and we want to compete with international Universities.
In this exhibition addition to schools and hospitals, research centers and Deputies will participate. What’s your opinion about collecting all of internal and external persons in this ceremony?
I think University and hospitals are not separable from each other and this has a message about this point that school and hospitals are 2 wings for flight and our education is done through treatment.
Many innovations in the field of medical sciences have been done in our University, what effect these achievements will have on reaching to University’s targets?
Reviewing past accidents is very effective in reaching targets, with reviewing past years and present years we can predict future advances.
When we come back to past years, we can see prominent professors that their ethics were exemplary. What’s your opinion about promotion of their ethics?
Some parts of ethics promotion is done in schools and many efforts are doing in order to promotion of ethical points; also some educations are doing in order to communication with patients, communication with colleague and teaching professional commitment and also medical school has some teaching courses for this case this year;
What will Introduce pioneers and their activities results have effect on future generations?
Most important result will be respect to people who have tried to help University to reach this place; I hope these activities in University may be proud for future generations.
Alumni office has programs like lunching a foundation for University’s graduations and aim of its establishment is aid to TUMS.
What’s potential in University’s alumni and what’s the program of medical school?
Most of old years’ alumni are supporting from world institutions and Universities financially and also TUMS’s alumni definitely wants to aid TUMS; therefore if there is such foundation, they will help certainly.
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