Dr. abedipour: If human work for God’s satisfaction, goes near God

TUMSAO: Commemorate ceremony of pioneer professor of plastic surgery Professor mohammad Abedipour will be held in Imam hall of Imam Khomeini hospital complex on Thursday in 1nd Fubrary.
TUMSAO: Commemorate ceremony of pioneer professor of plastic surgery Professor mohammad Abedipour will be held in Imam hall of Imam Khomeini hospital complex on Thursday in 1nd February concurrent with seminar of plastic surgery association with effort of plastic surgery department of Imam khomeini hospital complex and alumni office of TUMS. On this occasion, we had an interview with Abedipour:
Mr. Professor Can you please explain more about past days (education days and your reason about selection of this course):
I’m Mohammed Abedipour, I born in 1932. Thanks God, I selected this course and continued that. I passed public course in Tabriz and passed special in Tehran.
How did you begin your activity in Tehran University of Medical Sciences?
After passing assistance course, I was employed as a member of plastic surgery group in TUMS and after Dr. Osanlou, I became head of plastic surgery part, and with cooperation of other professors, I did many activities.in war time, many injured fighters need restoration. For reason of restricted place in surgery part we did surgery in other parts. In war time we had patients that caught bedsore that we had to treat them in addition to their injuries. I had emotional relations with injured youth. When my father died, they printed a Condolence Message in newspaper.
Prof. Abedipour, can you please talk about your professors more?
Dr. Osanlou had been from my best professor who was an elite person. He was employed in TUMS as an associate professor. He was one of the prominent professors in the fgield of plastic surgery. He invited best professors in field of plastic surgery around the world to Iran to educate us in which I didn’t forget these professors like Dr. Madyus.
Prof. abedipour, can you please talk about your colleagues more?
Dr. Salehi was one of my colleagues; of course he resigned from hospital and Dr. Bahri who died. After them Dr. Harandian and Dr. khatir that died unfortunately. Dr. Khatir was so skilled in restorative surgeries, for example when we surgery one woman’s face that was damaged in Afghanistan war, he operated her so that her son couldn’t know her. Dr. Harandian is also one of our best surgeons that were a good professor that unfortunately died.
Prof. abedipour, can you please talk about your students more?
One of my good memories is from my resident Mr. Najian, he could make surgery on a koruna patient, and this disease is a congenital disease that his eye is at the same level of his forehead. This surgery is a hard surgery that I remembered; I couldn’t sleep for happiness of this surgery.
Prof. abedipour, when you inspect a patient that has been treated through you, how do you feel?
After surgery, when I witness satisfaction of patient, I enjoy very much and I’ll be happy for example in past years I made surgery a patient with harelip, after surgery it’s a pleasure for me smile of his mother and made me happy. Once again I operate a boy with cleft palate, his father was working in Iran’s embassy in Japan, after surgery he showed his boy to Japanese medicines and they persuade him to thank me. Among different surgeries, I like surgery of cleft palate that I have been successful in them until now.
Prof. abedipour, many people like to enter medical field, what advice do you have for these young people?
If I born once again and want to study, I choose medicine course and continue specialty field of plastic surgery, my advice to youth is they must select course that they like it and merely for being high-income, don’t select this course and consider difficulty of rout, because they select themselves this rout.
Prof. abedipour, can you please explain medicine in one sentence?
Medicine is treatment of people who need remedy and all medical courses are good ones. Plastic surgery course is a course that treats body and spirit too. When a patient sees his face has been fixed, it’s too satisfactory for me and his family. A doctor should not depend on financial issues and I passed my medical services without any financial expectation.
Prof. abedipour, have you been invited foreign countries?
I travelled abroad for speech many times and have sent articles countries like Philippines, USA and Canada. I explained about surgeries that I have done in Iran and speech about reconstructive surgery like cancer of lower eyelid.
Prof. abedipour, are you satisfied with your life?
Unfortunately, my parents have died, my father was a colonel had Quranic literacy and tried very much in our education. I have 3 children, one of them has been medicine and in France is head of ENT part. He has promoted in his course too much another of them has been dentistry and my third child has studied economy, I have 6 grandchildren.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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