Emphasize of Dr. Abari on structural organizing for attracting alumni cooperation with TUMS

TUMSAO: Dean of rehabilitation school said:’ Reviewing University history will lead to make better plan of future way for University’.
TUMSAO: In the field of 80th anniversary for TUMS and TUMS’s plan for this celebration, we have an interview with Dr. Akbari Dean of rehabilitation school, how do you evaluate this program?
In the name of God, I think, this program will lead to movement of TUMS forward, in fact accelerates University promotion. We must keep alive professors’ memories and we are heir of professors and we must proud to them and try for TUMS promotion.
University, in addition to this point that must have educational, research, services and treatment programs, we must introduce them to people. Do you think these programs are appropriate?
I always evaluate advertisement positively, Imam says:’ world moves forward through advertisement’. This advertisement establishes motivation and mobility and it makes using others’ experiences. We can evaluate University’s activities rightly.
Do these activities can promote research, educational programs?
Definitely, advertisements on campus will lead to promotion. We can identify research and educational climaxes very well and we can identify challenges. We can determine our problems and research about them, at last find a solution.
As you know, for 80th anniversary of University Establishment, University history exhibition, will lunch, how do you evaluate this exhibition?
University history exhibition is its Identity, it’s as life exhibition. Through this exhibition we can know TUMS from infancy season to 80th anniversary; we can learn life and dedication lessons and evaluate University’s lessons. University evaluation is our life evaluation. What’s done for University? What’s our share in University promotion? What are University requirements today?
We must educate lesson with morality, and have fervor to this University.
In this exhibition, all of educational, research and services units are present, being together of these Units, what does it show?
University is an intimate family; always all of Units ware together and sympathy. This leads to use each other achievements and identify problems and shortages and move synchronously to achieve aims of TUMS.
Many medical sciences innovations have occurred in TUMS but introduction of these innovations, how will it help TUMS?
Imam says:’ TUMS is symbol of high education in Iran’; this sentence is high and comprehensive. Defiantly this University was always a great pattern for other Universities. This is very important to evaluate ourselves always. Have our research serviced to education? With this question and responses to it may help TUMS to be persistent as No.1 University.
What’s professors’ role in success and promotion of University? What’s your opinion about this point that how we can promote their moralities among other forces?
Today, we must attend to scientific and moral characters, and without each of them no one can fly, in past centuries scientists like Ibn Sina, Abureihan and many others not only have morality but also have science.
When we take a look at these pioneers, they are like as big trees we learn many lessons and young professors who want to be like them, must be in their pioneer professors shelter to be safe against the wind and pest, therefore respect to pioneers means respect to persons who have allocated their life to special affairs. Pioneers may be University professors or may be a clerk. Among clerks we have many pioneers and even I have educated many lessons from them.
In past years, alumni issue was not an important case, at now we must thank to Dr. Bahadori, for their efforts. In fact he is a real pioneer, because after many years from his graduation, he tries very much to promote TUMS level while he doesn’t need at all and when we talk with him, he deals with us like a good father and this is very important.
Contact with alumni has risen these years and if a plan developed for all alumni, it may be effective on University promotion because we can use their experiences and TUMS’s graduations are pioneers for other Universities. These alumni can help University scientifically and financially and they are skillful professors or experienced managers.
Due to the approaching ‘year-end’, what’s the most important program of your school for future year?
In fact all of our activities in TUMS are based on 4 years action plan we provided our programs that has been approved. Most important problems that we will pursue in next year, is new flowchart of school. New courses and movement to be an international school are other our programs.
If you want introduce TUMS with 80 years antiquity, how do you express this issue?
In fact we cannot introduce this University, because it is very great University but I think TUMS is on the honor and culture climax and all of Iranian people respect to it.
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