In 6th alumni session of Ruzbeh doctrine, was appreciated from Dr. Zarghami

TUMSAO: In the 6th session of Ruzbeh Doctrine, Dr. Zarghami was appreciated.
Please can you introduce yourself?
I was born in 1960; I have 2 brothers that all of them are educated. My father was dead last year, he was my pattern in my life and I’m proud of him. I have passed my education course in Tehran, Lar, and lastly graduated in Tehran University of Medical Sciences both in General and specialty courses.
What’s your opinion about Psychiatry course?
This course contains more diversity than other courses and pays attention to body and also spirit of a patient.
In addition to this, I was familiar with moral and behavioral professors that were effective in my special life.
Can you explain about your professors?
I had best professors in my education course like professor Dovidian, professor Tarighati, professor mirsepasi, professor sanati and many other best professors.
What’s your sport field?
When I was young, I was mountaineer and I have been member of football team but for reason of scientific and research actions I released these activities.
At the war time, if your specialty helped to psychiatric injuries of war?
One of most important reason for my selection was help to psychiatric injuries of war. Of course, psychiatry had not developed like today and it needs more research.
How much has psychiatry developed, from past until now?
This course has developed very much until now. In our time psychiatry was too limited. After war all of sciences had been jumping and lastly today psychiatry has developed very well and students’ theses have been productive today.
Other professors have said that medicine has developed very well but psychiatry has not, what’s reason?
Medical education was strong last years but psychiatric professors had been restricted and it’s not comparable today. In last years, psychiatry was more public but today has been more special.
Can you explain about your books and essays?
At past years, when I went to Mazandaran province, I liked research works. I worked in public medicine magazine.
Many Universities, scientific association of psychiatrists have cooperated with us. And until now, we have published 15 magazines.
What’s the psychiatry placement in Iran?
After revolution, psychiatry in Iran has developed significantly and its progress is not comparable with neighbors and they are in lower levels and if we benefit from western country progresses we can advance very well.
Accordance to psychiatry advances and psychological diseases are expanding if hospitals are enough?
No, unfortunately psychiatry part is not paid attention like other parts but in terms of number of beds, quality of services, we have progressed very much, but it’s not enough.
Can you explain more about educational and research activities in Mazandaran University?
I had been educating Basic Sciences there because students had not entered clinical part. In more advanced level, teaching methods had been more advanced. After some time, we have recruited students in expertise level.
And final word …
Thanks a lot my friends that helped me in ‘Ruzbeh doctrine’; I owe my successes to my professors and my students. I thanks my father and my mother that helped me all of my life.
Thank you very much for allocating your great time.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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