Land donation of diagnosis and treatment of cancer(oncology), in behalf of Dr. Bahadori

TUMSAO: construction ceremony of diagnosis and treatment of cancer was held in Prof. Bahadori’s donated land.
TUMSAO News: contemporary with Eid-al-Fitr celebration, construction ceremony of diagnosis and treatment of cancer(oncology) was held with presence of police force chancellor, members of Islamic council of city, some physicians and Tonekabon citizens.
Area of this donated land is 18,000 meters that professor Bahadori donated it in behalf of his spouse to Mazandaran University of medical sciences.
After Telavat e Quran and anthem of Islamic republic of Iran, he speech about aims of donating this land and appreciated from Dr. Janbabaee chancellor of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and City Responsible.
At following this meeting, city council chairman, health network management and Imam Gomaa talked about establishment of this building and appropriateness of establishment of this part.
Also one of Tonekabon citizen sang a lyric about Professor Bahadori who had composed it.
Translator: Sid Mehdi Fazeli
International affairs expert
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