Master’s house is constructed in Imam Khomeini (RAH) hospital complexity

TUMSAO: in a joint session among alumni office responsible and some of responsible of Imam Khomeini (RAH) complexity adopted construction of master’s house.
In the meeting that was held in 14th May with presence of Dr. Bahadori Head of alumni office, Dr. Gatmiri deputy head of alumni office, Dr. Sayed Ahmadian secretary of alumni office, Dr. Rostamian Social cultural deputy of University, Dr. Halabchi student deputy for University and Dr. Karami University affairs deputy in Imam Khomeini (RAH) hospital complex. Aim of this session was establishing master’s house for cooperation among retired professors and this center.
At the first of this session, Professor Bahadori said:’ something that is worrying that retiring of professors has been accompanied with usual leaving of University. In past years we had professors that after retiring never left university and we must provide appropriate background for being present in University again.’
He said that aim of establishing master’s house restoration of retired professors to University and said:’ we try to return of retired professors to hospitals to young generation exploit from their experiments.’
He added:’ unfortunately most of professors after retiring don’t come back to his hospitals in while they can be useful for education of students and treatment of patients that this condition will be provided with establishing master’s house.’
He also noted:’ maintaining their dignities is most important duty of clerks and students. University has social duty and that is promotion of health society and we can reach to this aim with modifying of style life of people.’
Dr. rostamian deputy for cultural and social affairs in University said:’ around the world, we witness of retired professors that cooperate as honorary professors with educational and scientific centers.’
He also said:’ we must provide some cards for entering and exiting and also colleagues in protection and other will cooperate with them.’
Dr. Halabchi student deputy in TUMS said:’ for presence of retired professors in University and hospitals we must have new definition and this leads to transfer of their experiments to next generation and this education can be as cosultations that young student need them very much.’
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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