Retraining seminnar of hypertension will be held with title of new acheivements in hypertension in 2013.06.26 duration in 3 days

TUMSAO News: Nefrology research centre of Tehran University Medical Sciences will hold new researches of hypertension in 26th of june duration in 3 days
Nefrology research centre of Tehran University Medical Sciences will hold new acheivements of hypertension in 26th jun duration in 3 days, this year was named as hypertension year and Nefrology research centre of Tehran University Medical Sciences at following its annual seminars, this year has allocated its seminar to new acheivements in hypertension. In this seminr that will be held in 26th jun duration in 3 days, newest result of researches in extensive fields related to hypertension like as Prevention , diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and also effect of this illness on health economics will be held through Tehran Univwersity Medical Sciences proffessors. This seminar has retraining 12 points for upper special in the fields of lung, children heart, children kidney and nefrology and also it has retraining 12 points for internal especial group like as cardiology, anesthasia and health economics professor. This seminar has 9 retraining points for emergency medicine, Psychiatry, pharmacology PhD, clinical pharmacy, public medicines, pharmasicts and pharmacy experts,health information technology and anestasia experts.
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