The first symposium of cardiovascular diseases in kidney patients was held

The first symposium on cardiovascular diseases in kidney patients was held in cooperation with the Iranian Atherosclerosis Association and the Nephrology Research Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences on the morning of Thursday, August 18, 2022 at the National Library in Hikmat Hall.

According to the public relations report of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Nephrology Research Center, in this symposium was debated regarding water and electrolyte disorders, how to adjust the fluids of dialysis patients and those suffering from kidney diseases, cardiac consultations before kidney transplant and other surgeries of these patients.

At the beginning of this symposium, Dr. SeyedMansour Gatmiri, head of the Nephrology Research Center of Imam Khomeini Hospital, said: "We are very happy to be able to discuss and exchange opinions with our scientific colleagues in the field of cardiology in this symposium about common problems of the heart and all patients."

He continued: Issues such as adjusting the medicines of these patients, deciding on kidney transplant and heart and kidney transplant at the same time, care and considerations before and after the operation, and adjusting the water and electrolytes of these patients require joint and very close cooperation of the doctors of these patients. It has two areas and fortunately, the chapter of this cooperation has been open for a long time in Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex between these two groups and there is valuable cooperation in this regard.

Dr. Gatmiri added: Today, with the participation of a number of colleges of this complex in the two groups of cardiologists and kidney specialists, as well as with the support and cooperation of the Iranian Atherosclerosis Association under the supervision and guidance of professor Dr. Ghasemi, the president of this association, this symposium aims to investigate the mutual effects of the heart and kidney and we hope that this useful and effective conversation will continue, and will develop in this field.

In the opening of this symposium, Dr. Ghasemi, the president of the Iranian Atherosclerosis Association, emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two groups of cardiologists and nephrologists for better treatment of patients and considered this cooperation necessary to improve the level of knowledge of doctors in the country and improve the management of patients' issues.

Also, Dr. Abbasi, a nephrologist, Dr. Mehrpoya, a cardiologist, Dr. Larti, a cardiologist, Dr. Mohammadi, a clinical pharmacology specialist, Dr. Ashrafi, a cardiologist, Dr. Khoshavi, a cardiologist, Dr. Najafi, a nephrologist and some other professors of this field, gave speeches in this symposium.


Seyyed Mahdi Fazeli

International Relations Expert

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