4th conference of Tech-market will be held

TUMSAO: 4th conference of Tech-market is held with the effort of the Secretariat of National tech-market and Tehran University of Medical Sciences, health ministry, scientific deputy of the presidency and also with the cooperation of all of medical sciences universities.
4th conference of Tech-market will be held with effort of secretariat of National tech-market and Tehran University of Medical Sciences, health ministry, scientific deputy of presidency and also with cooperation of all of medical sciences universities in 11th – 12th November coincide with Day of health technology.
According to importance of this conference in reaching to targets of University and enhancing efficiency of production caused by education, different part of this conference is announced:
Tech-market exhibition with cooperation of Innovative cores and knowledge-based companies from different pats of University, hospitals and industries in 100 square meters.
Special panels in different subjects of product-based thesis and University of third Generation and transfer behavior models of laboratory technology.
Product-based ideas in different fields of health with awarding prizes cash up to 500 million Rials and business grants up to 200 million Rials.
Student Match with subject of problem solving in health field and with donation of prizes to top students with donation of up to 50 million Rials;
International field with presence of health ambassadors (international students) about Special panels, Tech-market, calling for product-based ideas, student match, technology ambassadors.
Special panels, Tech-market, calling for product-based ideas, student match and technology ambassadors are 5 parts of this conference and tech-market.
Applicants can register through this site: http://htcd.tums.ac.ir/nctm, this conference will be held in Avicenna Hall of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Translator: Sid Mehdi Fazeli
International affairs expert
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