8th scientific seminar of nephrology research centre, with title of kidney health was held

8th scientific seminar of nephrology research centre with title of kidney health was held on 7th July 2011 with effort of this centre and cooperation of Alumni Office in the hall of this office.
in 8th scientific seminar of nephrology research centre with title of kidney health was held on 7th July 2011 with effort of this centre and cooperation of Alumni Office in the hall of this office, Dr Getmiri, secretary of contact with Alumni Office said: “always, disease evaluation with health evaluation has been combined and sometimes people were healthy and sometimes were patient, therefore in preventive medicine, one medicine is not only a medicine for patients but also is a medicine for all the people, so that before creation of irreparable complications of disease, with carrying out some interventions must prevent complications.”
He emphasized on Medicine philosophy:”Medicine shouldn’t be merely as a diseases therapist but also should be a health monitor.” His philosophy shouldn’t be to treat people when they are sick but should observe different areas of health and he must follow prevention until people not to be sick or if they have a hidden illness must be identified to solve the problem that this is one of the preventive medicine targets.”
At the following this session, He noted to preventive medicine in developed countries. It is as a community oriented and regulated process, in such manner, in America, preventive medicine is a specialty that its alumni are more than many other courses.
Educational assistant of nephrology research center, about Iranian model of preventive medicine emphasized:”perhaps, family medicine model and occupation medicine are the examples of preventive medicine. In addition, medical toxicology and undersea hyperbaric medicine are specialized fields of this course.”
Secretary of contact with alumni office in second part of his speech said:”most important factors of prevention in preventive medicine are: Drug abuse, accidents, weight gain, violence, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, kidney chronic diseases, ischemic heart disease and physical inactivity.”
He added:”preventive medicine has noticed to society health for example in building design must be noticed to balcony safety and toy devices safety”
Dr Getmiri said about two acute and chronic common phenomenon of kidney insufficiency with statistical expression: in America approximately 16 percent of adult population has some degrees of CKD (chronic kidney insufficiency) and in Iran seems more than 6 million people has kidney insufficiency.
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