Appointment of Dr. Biglar alumnus of TUMS pharmaceutical course as Director General of supervision and evaluation on medical equipment

TUMSAO News: Through a sentence from Dr. Dinarvand vice chancellor of minister and head of food and drug organization was appointed as Director General of supervision and evaluation on medical equipment.
This sentence is as follow:
Dear Dr. Mahmoud Biglar
Accordance to your valuable records in different fields of health system and your nobles on medical equipment affairs, through this sentence, you are appointed as Director General of supervision and evaluation on medical equipment. We expect that you can afford basic missions in food and drug organization and organizing registration and issuance of code IRC, pricing and ranking of medical equipment and doing of programs related to health reform plan.
It is hoped, you’ll be succeed through light of God blessings and cooperation of all of colleagues and management of Drug and food organization.
Dr. Rasul Dinarvand
Deputy Minister & chancellor of food and drug organization
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