Appointment of Mrs Rasti, as responsible of contact with alumni office in midwifery school

TUMSAO News: Arzu rasti, student cultural assistant of midwifery and nursing school was appointed as contact with alumni office of this school.
TUMSAO News: In appointment order of Mrs Arzu rasti, student cultural assistant of midwifery and nursing school has been written:
In the name of God
Mrs Arzu rasti
Student, cultural assistant of midwifery and nursing school in accordance of your qualification and valuable experience, with maintenance of teaching and administrative duties, you were appointed as contact with alumni office responsible. It expects like as scientific map of Tehran University Medical sciences, we can be witness of appropriate innovation in the field of contact with alumni office. I hope, you can progress in your works.
Yours sincerely
Dr Mohammadali cheraghi
Head of midwifery and nursing college
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