Appreciation from Dr Bahadori, in closing ceremony of cancer control comprehensive program

in closing ceremony of cancer control comprehensive program that was held in 06.02.2014 in I.R.I.B. hall appreciated from Dr Bahadori by some cancer control pioneers.

In closing ceremony of cancer control comprehensive program that was held with presence of health minister, head of health and remedy commission of parliament, head of cancer control and also vice managers and heads of I.R.I.B.
Health minister in this ceremony said that %40 of cancers is preventable and added:’ in past years health minister in prevention program has had antiquity. Specially in cervix mammal and colon cancers.’
Dr Hashemi said:’ in hope and policy government, we have a special attention to health field, we hope to have good activities to remove these cancers soon as possible.’ Health minister added:’ it has been prescripted to be chased this program by government and health ministry.’
He added:’ if we have only attention to remedy we have some problems in future and some of this cost is related to poor people and insurance company are not efficient. Past governments had not enough supports for these patients.’
Accordance to this report some of scientists like Dr Bahadori member of national commission of cancer, Dr Abulghasemi oncologist and pediatric cancer and … were appreciated.
In this meeting Dr Ghavamzadeh donated some gifts to health minister; head of health commission of parliament and some of his improved patients. It needs to say that national congress of cancer comprehensive program was held in I.R.I.B. hall in 06.02.2014 to 04.02.2014.
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