Appreciation from Professor Bahadori, in medicine day ceremony

TUMSAO News: Appreciation from professor Bahadori in ceremony of medicine day.
TUMSAO: 23rd August is appreciation symbol from educators that in spite of having science and patient and bearing of pain are health advancers, accordance to Medical council organization, appreciated from health system responsible in country ministry hall.

Accordance to this report, in honour conference of medicine day was appreciated from Dr Bahadori, head of contact with alumni office in TUMS, Dr Abbas shebani, Dr Shojaoddin Sheikh Eslamzade, Dr Kamel Shadpour, Dr MoHammad Ghofrani, Dr Mohammad reza Vaez Mahdavi, Dr Pileh Rudi, Dr Zadmehr, Dr Hormozi, Dr Yadollahi, Dr Sadeghi.

It needs to say that medicines are strong muscles for health organization and medicine day is a good opportunity to appreciate from pain staking group (medicines).
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