Celebration of first course of international campus of dental school was held

TUMSAO: Alumni celebration, entrance 2008 was held in 06.03.2014 in their graduation amphitheatre.

This ceremony was held with presence of Dr Pour Hashemi head of dental school in international campus, Dr Arab Kheradmand deputy international affairs, Dr Bahadori Head of alumni office and pioneer of TUMS, Dr Mosafa head of alumni office in dental school and faculty and their respectful families, was held in 06.12.2013, in graduation amphitheater of central staff.
After recitation of Quran Karim and national anthem, Dr Bahadori thanked to Dr Pour Hashemi for his presence and said about 300 years antiquity of TUMS and education of medicines, dentists, nurses and pharmacists and said that this University has more than 100 thousands alumni and most of medical science alumni are from this University. He also said that this university is header of country and in spite of this case; it’s not old yet. He also said:’ at now, you are graduated and you are members of alumni office and I want to congratulate all of you and this is a new season for relation between you and University.’
Dr Bahadori introduced office’s activities and said:’ this office is young, it could get trustee board decision in 2007, of course before that, there were alumni communities, he also added:’ this is a bridge between alumni and Universities we must help to each other and promote country from medical science and these TUMS’s alumni around the world must have two essential roles:’ They must be best persons in their educations and must maintain their relations with their University.’
He said that our most important role is relation with alumni and one of example is holding seminars for different alumni courses. Also one of important activities is holding of Dr Yalda congress.
He also added:’ in our office sometimes monthly and sometimes weekly, we have meetings until we can evaluate alumni problems.’
He also said about meeting with University council in Sunday about holding 3rd integrated ceremony. He also remembered that most important role of alumni office is holding integrated ceremony.
At continuation of this meeting, Dr Bahadori said about office site and high number of its participants and added:’ I proud my colleagues that are working very well and they service to alumni very well.’
At continuation of this ceremony, Dr Arab Kheradmand congratulated to alumni families and appreciated from colleagues in International campus, he recommended alumni:’ we must maintain respect and dignity of medical community and maintaining this respect is in behalf of us. We mustn’t note to his illness only but also we must note to financial and economical conditions too.’
He also continued:’ relation with University is valuable and in all situations must be maintained and attention to society needs must be important factor for determining special courses.’ He also wishes alumni can afford to society problems.
At continuation, were appreciated from best alumni in the fields of ethics and politeness.
Also was appreciated from best professors, head and deputy of school.
At the end of this ceremony alumni oath was read collectively.
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