Ceremony of 80th anniversary of University establishment is held

TUMSAO: Ceremony of 80th anniversary of University establishment is held in a meeting with presence of alumni office responsible and heads of Schools.
TUMSAO: This meeting was held with presence of Dr Amini, advisor of University's chancellor, Dr Bahadori head of contact with alumni office, heads of schools and responsible of alumni offices in University, in 9th December in the meeting hall of University and important issues in this ceremony was debated.
In this meeting, Dr Seyed Ahmadian secretary of alumni office said about done works in 75th anniversary of University establishment and most important programs was debated, he added that this ceremony was one of the most successful University's program.
In this ceremony we had some pavilions for schools, hospitals, assistants and University research centers; this ceremony was inaugurated with presence of health minister and reading of president message.
Secretary of alumni office said about proposed programs and added:' holding 3-day exhibition 23rd – 25th Jan, one - day Conference at the end of exhibition with presence of schools' alumni that schools in addition to have pavilion, they can adorn their schools too.'
In another part of his speech, added:' in this ceremony some charities participate and will promote its majesty.'
He added that alumni presence especially women in this ceremony is very important and University must exploit them for its targets, displaying University's history is a great chance for establishing relation and promoting their dependency.
After that for holding this ceremony, he wanted heads of schools to support alumni office responsible and promote their relation with them.
Dr Bahadori chancellor of alumni office, after thanks to audience said:' Tehran University of Medical Sciences has 12 active schools and 3 schools in international campus and it's a great honor for us to cooperate with affiliated schools.'
Dr Amini said: 'according to 2 Universities decision (Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Tehran University) we agreed to hold joint ceremony and this ceremony will have a great effect and what's important is introduction of University's history.'
Higher education of dean in another part of his speech, wanted schools' chancellors to think about alumni foundation establishment more and also holding integrated alumni ceremony after that express their opinions next week.
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