Congratulation massage from head of alumni office to Dr sayed Ahmadian

TUMSAO: Dr Bahadori congratulated appointment of alumni office secretary as health, help and treatment assistance of NAJA.
Dr Bahadori, head of alumni office, congratulated appointment of Dr Sayed Ahmadian alumni office secretary, as health, help and treatment assistance of NAJA.
This Message is as bellow:
Dear Professor Saied Ahmadian
Secretary of alumni office
We are so excited to hear about your recent appointment to the vacant seat on the health, help and treatment assistance of NAJA. Certainly your willingness to volunteer your time and effort, as well as express your opinions, has contributed to your being selected for this great post.
We trust that you will continue to work for improvement of your colleagues programs in Alumni office and NAJA, particularly upgrading your work level. Please be aware that you have our full support. We wish you all the best as you represent us.
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