Consultation meeting and monitoring plan of University alumni was held

TUMSAO News: consultation meeting and monitoring plan of University alumni was held in order to promotion in Alumni Office programs on 7th June, 2011.
TUMSAO News: In this session
that was held with presence of Dr Bahadori, Head of contact with alumni office,
Dr Getmiri, secretary of contact with alumni office, Dr Sayed Ahmadian manager
of contact with alumni office, Dr Gooshe gir head of Medical history studies
Islamic Medicine and supplement, Dr Dulati, head of skin and leprosy research
centre, Dr Sadeghipour physiology group manager, Dr Pasalar Head of bright
talents centre,
At the first Dr Bahadori after explaining about alumni office said:” fortunately, with supports of Dr Larijani, University’s chancellor and Dr Getmiri and other colleagues, this office could reach itself to top Universities”, He added:” The first step was providing a location and this office is its result and second step was providing of alumni Office site that we could do it with cooperation Ms.Zahedi.” After that Dr Getmiri secretary of contact with alumni office said:” with viewing of different models and in spite of difference in views, we could afford to start this office and this isnot an easy work.”
Dr getmiri remembered that some journals has been published as Alumni and electronic version has been put in the site and added:” After logo design, this logo was approved by board of University’s board of directors.”
He added:” Dr Larijani has emphasized many times to cooperate with this office and with referring to activity about 20 clubs of medical colleges, called idea of sub-offices important activation.”
After that he informed from experimental inauguration of web-site and added:” Fortunately with cooperation of office and using from University’s public relations experience we could design a web-site that is very high-level and now is in experimental operation and will be inaugurated officially with presence of health minister, University chancellor and Dr Bahadori.”
Dr Dulati, representative of 1960 input alumni, with referring to conference of 6th October said:” this year, this ceremony will be held as forty-fifth graduation anniversary of 1960 input that first day will be held in medical college and second day will be held in national museum of medical history.”
Dr Dulati called Alumni Association, 1960 input as a complete example that after years, all profiles are accessible and we hope to extend our information soon as possible.
At the following this conference, Dr Agha Mohammadi, Faculty member of Tehran University Medical Sciences expressed that Alumni Office is a bridge that connects old and new generation and introduces persistent faces to medical society of the world and plays an important role in information exchanging.
Dr pasalar, head of Scientific research centre and Head of bright talents centre referred to two points:” each group has an evolution history and if we want to provide great puzzle of University symbol, we can put together these pieces as a competent manner.” And he continued:” second point is to have science adoption and it can be useful for Medical and scientific society because we can identify capable and talented students and help them spiritually and financially.”
At the following, Dr Sadeghipur Manager of physiology group said:”we must valorise for complementary education graduates in basic sciences because they are experts and can be effective”, alumni site must have capability to receive alumni views and after receiving their views must be in contact with them to reach high level.
At the following, Dr Gushegir head of medical history studies, Islamic medicine and complementary institute said:” holding of conferences for alumni is a good opinion that can have met in alumni office,”
This report added:”There are four important groups that contain:1- managers group, 2- students, 3- University’s staff, 4- Interaction between professors and University.”
He also pointed to two sources: 1- human resource, 2- financial resource that alumni are human resource that can register in alumni site and we can supply financial resources.
Dr Jafari, member of Imam Hospital Faculty, at the following the meeting said: “using of contact with alumni office hall is a good work for scientific, educational and research conferences, I’m happy that we can use facilities of this office for holding the annual scientific and research meeting and I hope that this office can have a great informing and all of alumni can use from office’s facilities in very best manner.
Dr Monsef, Representative of Alumni office of Pharmacy school, said:” Suggestions, today was very interesting and informative. Until now, Alumni Office has done a good action. One of the Alumni goals after graduation is collaboration for University strengthening and also drawing financial cooperation.”
After that Dr seyed Ahmadian, manager of Contact with Alumni Office, referred to life skills classes, calligraphy and music education classes.
At the following this session, Zahedi Head of administrative affairs of contact with Alumni office, explained about office web-site and said:” News, introducing veterans link, contact with think forum members through its forum, identification of University figures, photo Album, audio and video files creating of attraction for alumni in site are facilities for drawing of audiences.”
Zahedi emphasized that this web-site contains four parts: 1- main site, 2- sites for colleges, 3- sites for clubs, 4- Alumni private profiles that each of them has capabilities and facilities at the following introduces some examples of alumni sites, colleges sites and private sites.
At the end of this meeting, Dr Bahadori head of contact with alumni office thanked and wished success for Tehran University Alumni Office and finished the meeting.
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