Dr Bahadori: second integrated ceremony will be held under support of University’s alumni

TUMSAO News: head of alumni office said that holding second integrated ceremony is result of cooperation and consultation of University and alumni.
Mr Professor, please explain more about holding second integrated ceremony?
One of universities’ targets is awareness of alumni from conditions of each other. Most important work of this office is transferring alumni information to university.
This information may contain occupational situation, servicing territory and many other things. Fortunately Tehran University Medical sciences established alumni office with approval of Board of Trustees and the University Council, this office in addition to establishment of connection among alumni, holds an integrated ceremony for different courses in different levels, of course before this ceremony some celebrations were holding for alumni in each school, but two years ago we decided to hold one ceremony for all alumni in one day for two reaons: 1. These dears may be familiar with each other. 2. They must know to service to their university as a good child.

What’s your opinion about students’ cooperation in this celebration?
In out of country that integrated celebrations are holding, ceremony is held as a joint project between university and alumni, at now because we have not appropriate equipments, most of expenses are paid in behalf of university, greatness of holding this ceremony than past celebrations is very high.

Fortunately most of alumni and even alumni office, want to be advanced in this work and students want to hold this ceremony. For reason of separation Tehran and Iran Universities, this ceremony was cancelled one time and at last a new day was approved and in initial days approximately 1500 students registered of course, many of University’s responsible especially Dr Mansuri head of University and Dr Keshavarz vice head of University are very interested to hold this ceremony and always support alumni office and at last we could be successful to define ceremony date in Imam Reza birthday, of course last news and information will be informed through SMS and I hope we are good hosts for alumni.
What’s your opinion about alumni role in holding this celebration?
Most important role of this office is establishing and maintaining of contact between alumni and University, one of services that we can provide for alumni is holding ceremony for alumni that is occurred in end of their education. In fact alumni office is main holder of this program with close cooperation by University and alumni and plays an essential role.

In one hand, you must agree with university responsible and program for ceremony. In another hand you must identify qualified alumni and establishing celebration equipments is a most important issue that colleagues must provide necessary reviews for this case. Fortunately alumni office colleagues have expressed their abilities in past year celebration and we hope it’s held more glory. For holding this ceremony, alumni can help us with their cooperation and as I have information for past year celebration, alumni and interested students have cooperation with this office and this year this committee has established and many meetings have established with office colleagues.
Of course alumni offices colleagues will cooperate us and also dear manager of public relations, Dt Gatmmini will inform alumni with last news and I thank them and I hope to be successful all of alumni in their activities.
I thank you, for assigning your time to us.
Hope you successful too.
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