Dr Farhadi persistent face in 2011, from animal study phase for conversion to cells...

Farhadi persistent face of 2011, in an interview with news reporter, said:’ in animal study phase, using from stem cells for conversion to hearing cells and its injection to internal ear of deaf.’
Head of research centre, ear, throat, nose and head and neck of TUMS, said about most important reason to his selection:’ perhaps science achievement and science broadcasting and human force entertainment and also promotion of research, education were reason of my selection.’
Dr Farhadi specialist of ear, throat, nose and head and neck of TUMS, activity in the field of skull base surgeries and research in the field of hearing, said that they are his achievement and said approximately past 20 years, the hearing cochlear implant has been inaugurated for deaf.
It needs to explain in 8th conference of Iran persistent faces that were held on Thursday in 5th November in 2010 in the conference hall of T.V organization, 23 Iranian persistent faces were appreciated and TUMS with 3 persistent faces shined.
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