Dr Yalda emphasized on promotion of scientific relationship among domestic and international scientists

in the threshold of holding 3rd international congress of newest Research achievements in medical science, we talked with Dr Yalda
In the threshold of holding 3rd international congress of newest research achievements in molecular and clinical medicine that is holding with focus on the history and medical ethics in Tehran University Medical Sciences, we talk with Dr Yalda, because this congress is holding with effort of Contact with Alumni Office and Dr Yalda scientific foundation. This academy was established in Germany and nominated Professor Yalda academy, Professor Yalda, according to his students is myth of medical ethics.
Professor Yalda, how long do you know professor Rangbar?
When I was familiar with professor Rangbar, it relates to a woman that Dr Ranjbar contacted with me and talked about his patience and expressed that I want to treat her with my own expense; Dr Ranjbar is an honest and believe man. He is very spiritual and in scientific works is very explicit, after his marriage wanted to return to Iran, there is a good facility that we haven’t these facilities in our country. I said him; if you were there you would serve more to our countries’ people. Dr Ranjbar was doing our patients tests in behalf of himself, he is very extraordinary.
What’s your opinion about this scientific academy that has been established in Germany with his presidency?
Dr Ranjbar has very much kindness to me; Dr Ranjbar has a great competency, before him I wasn’t familiar very well with German’s medicines but after familiarity with him I concluded that he is really scientist. He is very well in Immunology course. Because he is very well in immunology course, he can transfer immunology concepts very well and he is aware from problems. He likes academy milestone to belong to Iran and he wants German’s medicines come to Iran and we use from their experiments. Basically when these academies establish many people want to help and for example one of rich Colombian men has gotten very much money for establishment of an academy and its role was poverty reduction, ignorance reduction and investigate about scientific problems, when questioned him that you are upset you have paid very much money, he answered it depends on your approach about life, if you have a subsistence view, this is not reasonable but if you have a spiritual view, you wouldn’t be upset, it means that god and resurrection is main targets.
Now many foundations know that poverty reduction and ignorance reduction are the most important factors, because they say we must know to stay and however if we have ignorant people in our society, equally this society has regression and has not progress.
Rumi says:’ the biggest sin is ignorance and greatest blessing is science’, for this reason, academies have been established to reduce ignorance of societies and some people think that ignorance is the base of poverty and if society base is well economically, ignorance will be reduced.
Goodness of these conferences is that borders that have been established for political reasons and separated people from each other will be disappeared, because humanity does not know border. Real friendship is being mighty and it needs, humans use each other and we hope that in these academies will be expressed
Mr Professor, what’s your opinion about establishment of this scientific academy in the country? Is there possibility for establishment these academies in our University?
Establishment of scientific academy, in the country and university was a good think. When scientific organizing in the country is well, these offers will be proposed.
Dr Larigani said me for some times, many times we were in short supply in terms of research funds. He suffered that university’s research fund is too little.
The most important challenging work is performance of works that we haven’t its equipment. Establishment of these academies needs for equipment, if we begin the work, others will join us.
In your opinion, which university’s unit can be leader for establishment of scientific academy?
I think, alumni especially medicines that are rich, can activate in this field, they must spend their money in this field and mustn’t spend their money in fields that is not in the dignity of university. After that medicines became aware of this academy and thought that they can finance in this academy and they can put some memories for futures that its effectiveness is very much. Of course, it needs to make culture and for making culture, it needs to some advertisements both at the University level and at the college level. These alumni can support university and contact with alumni office. If we can induce this thinking style in colleges and Universities, we will promote our level.
What’s your opinion about establishing people interesting in cooperation with University through scientific academies?
If we can have this culture without political relations, we will be successful. Students must know that country belongs to them. They are gardeners and a gardener doesn’t think that garden belongs to whom. He likes to flower training. Our fatherland is a place that you have memories and greatest memories is course of youth, they mustn’t think that because they have gone besides us, they must be upset.
What’s your opinion, about alumni office cooperation in holding of international congress of newest research achievements in medical science?
Beginning of each work is hard and may be, there are some problems but there are some people that believe true works, alumni office is an auxiliary force for this congress in addition to this point that alumni office is responsible for holding this congress.
In conversations that I had with alumni office, we saw that in each problem you had a practical approach and this is very good.
I studied in a paper about “milestone”, in old times there was not guidance panel. Some of them through their travel were thinking only about origin and destination and didn’t think about other things. Our life is similar to this road, we must plan and with the correct planning, we can program the problems and with replacements, problems cannot be solved.
What’s your opinion about content of 3rd congress of newest achievements in medical science?
Congresses have many kinds and different names; some of these congresses like this congress are not only in their fields and some of them have technical aspect. For example diabetes experts decide to hold a congress and talk about diabetes, but this congress is about different aspects of medical science, but in spite of this point that some of audience and speakers come from foreign countries, continue to hold this congress is most important symbol of success of congress holders.
According to this point that this congress is holding with appreciation from premiers, what’s your opinion about appreciation from selected people of foundation?
All these points encourage us. Especially some of them are youth and this point causes some motivation for others and this is an especial point of this congress. Determination of chosen people is done through scientific committee with head of Dr Ranjnar. Fortunately Dr Ranjbar is not affected with others and only people with high characteristics can be accepted.
At the final speech, what is your opinion?
Always have the mental happiness.
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