Dr. Gatmiri: Medicine aspires for models of professional commitment like Professor Bahadri, but until the systems are reformed, there is no assurance of providing healthy services

The head of the alumni office emphasized that many challenges facing medicine today must be conceptualized in order to improve the product of the service delivery system in the field of health.

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According to the public relations report of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, alumni office in the sixth seminar on professional commitment in health services that was held on the 26th and 27th of January 2023 in the Ibn Sina Hall of the Medical faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Seyed Mansour Getamiri, the head of the alumni office, at the opening of this seminar honored the memory of the late professor Dr. Muslim Bahadri and said: "Holding the professional commitment seminar is a memory of Professor Bahadri, and I hope we can fulfill the mission of this late professor by presenting useful scientific topics."

He added: I feel it necessary to thank the president of the university for his support in holding this seminar and for his attendance. I am also grateful to the family of Professor Bahadri for participating in this seminar. I also appreciate all the speakers and panel members, without their support and cooperation, this seminar would not have been completed. He also congratulated the winners of the festival section and thanked them for allowing the aspects of their professional lives to be modelled for the younger generation.

Dr. Gatmiri added: I hope that by introducing models of professional commitment in this chaotic health market, today's youth will find their way. Although we do not claim that in the past all things went according to plan, there were undoubtedly  overcoming problems with patience and thought has made yesterday's students a role model for today's youth.

The head of the 6th professional commitment seminar stated that we have translated the word professionalism in Farsi as professional commitment, but this translation is somewhat insufficient, he clarified: In our culture, professional commitment refers to individual commitments in this profession. But in professionalism in the international culture, looking at all the factors of the system is to protect the profession from harm and people can adhere to the principles of the profession more easily.

He continued: In the past years, the health process relied on personal communication, so that a doctor sometimes produced medicines by himself using plants and their combination, or treated patients with the properties of the foods used, so there is a professional commitment in relation to The doctor was defined by his patient, and therefore the principles of professional commitment were sufficient to be observed in the same individual relationship.

Dr. Gatmiri added: But parallel to the progress of medicine, the duties of doctors and pharmacists and surgeons were gradually separated from doctors. In this path of development, children's medicine was separated from adult medicine and women's medicine was separated from men's medicine. Laboratory, imaging, etc. After a period of time when this system grew up, compliance with individual professional commitments took a small part of what should be done in the correctness of the product that was provided to the recipient of the service. Therefore, in this situation, the need to guarantee the product of health services was no longer dependent on the principles of professional commitment in the individual field. Because insurance systems, tariffs, upstream laws and complex relationships were created, so that sometimes dozens of people played a role in a simple medical service. Therefore, the role of individual professional commitment became smaller and smaller.

The head of the alumni office emphasized to the students: In a comple‌‌x system, all its dimensions must be ensured so that the people who want to deliver the services to the receivers act correctly. Of course, with this number of patients in hospitals and small tariffs, how can one fulfill the professional commitment, and this means that when there is a very complex and extensive health system, how can the product of health services be properly provided by respecting the individual professional commitment?

Continuing his speech, he said: The discussion of professionalism started in the middle of the 20th century and had a deep look at very big challenges that were beyond the scope of individual influence. If we want to improve the process of providing services, part of our attention should be on systems and also the discussion of costs, which is very important and the complexity of systems can increase costs.

The head of the seminar added: If we want to continue with the same old teachings in the medical education issue and wish for Zakariya of the Razis or Avicennas or Professor Bahadris to come to the fore again, this may not be possible. Of course, we do not deny the capabilities of our social system, but the fact is that in the new health system, we should not expect doctors like Professor Bahadri to act, or at least we should not be too idealistic, because even training professors like Professor Bahadri is an ideal product as long as the large systems are not efficient Health services will not reach the people.

In another part of his speech, Dr. Gatmiri said: Flexner, who was first a theorist of educational issues, became interested in the issue of medical education when this system was evolving in America.

He added: Flexner felt that changes should be made in medical education and trained doctors who are familiar with this new system and structure. Because they are the ones who manage the health systems. When he was proposing these changes, he came to the discussion of professionalism and realized that the best point of support and hope for this investment are the academic fields and universities train doctors of these systems receive proper training.

The head of the seminar continued: Flexner saw at the same time that millions of people are waiting for the services they should receive from these new systems. He saw that only by ensuring compliance with the principles of individual professional commitment, it is not possible to ensure the process of providing healthy services, so he thought of reforming the structure.

He stated that today medicine is longing for unattainable practical patterns and pointed out: even if these patterns are attainable, it is not clear that a desirable result will be achieved in an inefficient system, so a major part of time and energy should be spent on reforming the structure.

Dr. Gatmiri called professionalism the knowledge of regulations, laws, the role of organizations and their complex communications and said: The arrangement of this puzzle should be towards complete reform. This means that for the health care system that is facing these big changes, people should be trained according to these conditions.

At the end of his speech, he added: Today, many of our doctors do not have the ability to provide a minimum income for their lives, how can we expect all the principles of professional commitment to be respected in such a society. Researchers in the field of professionalism conceptualize many of the challenges facing medicine today so that they can improve the product of the service delivery system in the field of health, and it is clear that their hope lies in these university and academic environments, and our motivation for holding this seminar is to discuss Propose professional commitment in a radical way in the university and in the medical community.

Explaining that the opening ceremony of the professional commitment seminar in the health system began with the live speech of Professor Bahadori. In the professional commitment festival, Dr. Bijan Jahangiri, veteran professor of Pharmacology Department, Dr. Zohre Parsayketa, veteran professor of Nursing Department, Dr. Ahmad Jalili, veteran professor of Psychiatry Department, Dr. Mohammad Reza Mir, veteran professor of Cancer Surgery Department, Dr. Mohammad Eslami, veteran professor of Oral Pathology Department The memory of Dr. Maryam Pourreza was appreciated and emphasized on the revision and planning of professional commitment training according to scientific advances and technological changes.


Seyed Mehdi Fazeli

International Relations Expert

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