Dr. Ghenaati: According to the scientific progress and technological changes, there is a need to review and plan in the training of professional commitment

In the 6th scientific seminar on professional commitment in the health system, 6 veteran professors in this field were thanked and was emphasized on the revision and planning of professional commitment education in accordance with scientific advances and technological changes.
According to the public relations report of Tehran University of Medical Sciences , this seminar aims to promote professional commitment, in the three axes of professional commitment in crisis, individual requirements in the sustainability of professional commitment, as well as the role and reform of infrastructure in professional commitment from the 26th to the 27th of January 2023 for two days was held.
Dr. Hossein Ghenaati , President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, reviewed the aspects of health and the role of professionalism in this field and said: "Health means physical, mental, social and spiritual health, and today's world, despite many changes and advances, has come to the conclusion that spirituality must be paid attention.
Dr. Ghenaati considered the optimal and intelligent application of the teachings and achievements of the great Iranian Islamic civilization in management to be the cause of the asymmetric expansion of professionalism and said: We live in a country where the doctors were wise and the place of the wise medicine was called court. This is a great concept that we should appreciate like many other civilizational achievements of our country.
Referring to the using of the social university culture in the country, before other societies, the university president said: while the world is moving towards the social university, we used this concept much earlier and during the imposed war, and from beginners to professional personalities in a very short period of time.
Emphasizing that we need cultural engineering at the same time as the rapid changes in the world, Dr. Ghenaati said: We have a good background in the field of professionalism. Like the meeting of Abu Ali Sina, the master of logic and wisdom, who argued on the basis of reason, and Sheikh Abu Saeed Abul Khair, who had a taste for illumination, and the result of the discussion was that one said that he sees what I know, and the other said that he knows what we see. Therefore, we should appreciate our spiritual achievements because our country maintained its survival in eight years of holy defense.
The president of the university considered great professors such as Prof. Gharib, Prof. Shafiei, Prof. Yalda, etc. as models of professionalism and professionalism in the university, and referring to the university's program in the field of mentoring, he said: these professors will maintain their guiding and mentoring roles until the end of their precious lives. And fortunately, the university has good programs in the field of mentoring that are ongoing.
In completing this part of his speech, Dr. Ghenaati emphasized on the teaching of ethics and professional commitment in a scientific way and said: There are scientific methods for teaching professionalism, and we in the university need to review and plan in this field in accordance with the progress of science and technological changes. Because the more scientific advances are made, the more likely science is to be misused, and this is where professionalism becomes very important.
In response to the question of whether professionalism can be learned and when is the best place for education, the university president said: Although the principles of professional commitment should be taught in the university, countries like Japan that are successful in this field have started teaching ethics from kindergartens.
Saying that the era of individualism is over and teamwork should be expanded, Dr. Kwanati said: This is also emphasized in our religious ethics and students should learn to help each other and know that they can grow by helping each other.
The president of the university emphasized that professionalism should start at the level of managers and said: Officials have an important role in teaching professionalism and teach others how to observe the principles of professional behaviour with their correct behaviour.
Referring to the expectation of professional dressing, Dr. Ghenaati said: Professional dressing and adherence to the principles of the dressing code, such as wearing appropriate clothes, short nails, not using perfume at the patient's bedside, etc., are considered in all the advanced centres of the world. We expect people who are active in the university to maintain the university identity in their appearance.
The president of the university emphasized the observance of principles such as politeness, honesty, confidentiality, giving hope to patients, listening well and helping patients, and said: In the scientific field, we should also teach students about plagiarism and its examples, so that their scientific efforts are effective.
Dr. Ghenaati considered preserving the financial resources of the people, the university, and the National Treasury as other examples of professional commitment and said: "When we start prescribing, we must pay attention to how necessary and effective what is prescribed is for the patient so that additional costs are not imposed on the patient and the health system."
Referring to the actions of the university in equalizing the payment of public and private sector doctors, the university president said: One of the ways to comply with the professional commitment is to equalize the kai coefficient of the private and public sector, this will correct the unusual payments in the health system.
At the end of his speech, Dr. Ghenaati stated that the 4-year program of the university has focused on the promotion of professional commitment and said: The difference between this seminar and other seminars is that it is completely practical and its contents can be used to improve professionalism in the health system and promote the topics Professional commitment used in the university.
Structural requirements of professionalism in professional commitment
Then Dr. Seyed Mansour Gatmiri, head of the alumni office, explained about the structural requirements of professionalism in professional commitment and said: In the past, the health process relied on personal communication.. As a result, professional commitment was defined in the field of doctor-patient communication .
Pointing to the role of individual professional commitment in the evolution of the health system, Dr. Gatmiri said: With the progress and development of medicine, the creation of different insurance and tariff systems, as well as upstream laws, complex relationships arose; So that dozens of people are involved in providing a simple medical service . As a result, the role of individual professional commitment has become smaller and smaller in front of the complex system of the health system .
The head of the alumni office emphasized that despite the complexity and challenges of the health system, the product of health services should reach the recipients in a proper manner and said: Although individual considerations and adherence to professional commitment play an important role, the structures must be modified in such a way to prevent people from making mistakes .
Acknowledgement of the chosen ones
Explanation that the opening ceremony of the seminar on professional commitment in the health system began with the live speech of Professor Bahadori .
In the professional commitment festival, Dr. Bijan Jahangiri, veteran professor of Pharmacology Department, Dr. Zohra Parsayeketa, veteran professor of Nursing Department, Dr. Ahmad Jalili, veteran professor of Psychiatry Department, Dr. Mohammad Reza Mir, veteran professor of Cancer Surgery Department, Dr. Mohammad Eslami, veteran professor of Oral Pathology Department The memory of Dr. Maryam Pourreza were appreciated.
Seyed Mehdi Fazeli
International Relations Expert