Dr. Ghenaatti: Help Hakim Hospital become a unique hospital in the Middle East region

Contemporary with the Shabaniyah holidays, the medal of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and a certificate of appreciation were presented to the Motahari brothers as a sign of their dedication and benevolence.

According to the public relations report of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in this ceremony that was held in Hakim Hospital on February 25, 2023, the president of the university , Dr. Hossein Ghenaatti , while thanking the Motahari brothers for building this hospital, said: "I hope that with this good action, what remains in the end is what we leave before God.


He said: "In a world that is full of uncertainty, don't forget that God can change everything. This project is very big and unique and has many leaves, and the intention of the builders is effective in its prosperity." and we help it become a unique hospital in the Middle East region with the cooperation of everyone .


The president of the university then pointed to the importance of human resources in the development of activities and said: If we have all the appropriate structures and infrastructure but do not have caring and hard-working human resources, we cannot do anything special. In organizational investment, we have to look at all the factors, but our look at human resources is of particular importance.


Dr. Ghenaatti emphasized the necessity of promoting a service-oriented approach and said: The imposed war and the actions of the martyrs at this point in this time can be a good example for everyone. Certainly, we have practiced a kind of fourth generation university in the imposed war by providing service to the victims of war and now we have to consider it. Let's do our best to serve the people .


He added: More than 90% of Tehran's hospitals are built above Enghelab Street, and deprived areas are left without hospital facilities, so we have a duty to spend the financial resources properly .


The president of the university mentioned the construction of Islamshahr hospital and said: Islamshahr is one of the most deprived areas of Tehran and we hope that we can be a source of influence in improving health indicators in this area .


Dr. Ghenaatti added: Every sick person who comes to you has no help and companionship, and this is an opportunity  that God has given you .


A special hospital in a deprived area


Dr. Sadeghniat, the head of Hakim Hospital, while congratulating Shabaniyeh holidays, said: I hope that with the blessing of these days, we can have a good start, as the intention of the dear ones who built this hospital was based on it.


He considered Hakim Hospital to have unique and special characteristics and added: Since the last 44 years, no children's hospital has been built in the country and several children's hospitals have also been closed these days. In this situation, we were able to build a new children's hospital in a very deprived area that has a low number of hospital beds in relation to the population.


Dr. Sadeghniat considered the speed of construction as one of the strengths of this hospital and stated: One of the interesting points of this hospital is that it was built in less than 3 years in an area without water and electricity facilities and even adequate security.


The head of Hakim Hospital expressed his hope that this hospital will be able to compensate for the deficiencies of patients in the field of paediatrics and said: This hospital can eliminate the deficiencies and shortcomings of the field of paediatrics in the field of paediatric trauma, neonatal heart surgery, organ transplants, and similar cases. .


Dr. Sadeghniat announced the allocation of 30% of the beds in this hospital to picu  and nicu  and said: I hope that the set goals will be achieved in this direction. Fortunately, we have seen the progress of the project so far and I hope we can make it usable for patients.


Referring to the various services of this medical centre and its development stages, he said: the hospital's sewage treatment has been done and interesting services and ideas have been considered in this hospital, such as the design of the hospital lobby and interior design, considering children's taste to reduce their pain and create an attractive atmosphere.


 Dr. Sadeghniat reminded: This centre has 12 operating rooms, suitable facilities, hospital in single and double beds. Also, it will be ready for use and accepting patients with appropriate equipment and facilities.

The head of Hakim Hospital considered comfort facilities for patients' companions and the design of a play room for children as special facilities of this hospital and stated: Pavilion for professors and specialists, dining hall for staff, dentistry for children in a room with 5 units. In addition, the basic electrical equipment of this centre has been made safe and two ambulances have been donated to the hospital by donors.

He informed about holding various visits to the hospital during its construction process and said: District prosecutor, mayor, management organization and executive vice president visited this centre and also meetings were held with regional education.


Dr. Sadeghniat then presented a report on the actions, expectations and challenges in the field of clinical services, treatment, health information technology, human resource management and support and said: the efforts that the donors gave in setting up this centre were very generous. So far, they provided everything I asked and requested, so the benefactors have always supported the provision with good services in this centre with their magnanimous view.


Seyed Mehdi Fazeli

International Relations Expert

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