Dr. Isazadeh: Seeing man comprehensively, paying attention to the origin, resurrection, and structural insight is one of the characteristics of religious anthropology in professional commitment

The head of the Science, Quran, Hadith and Medicine Research Centre of Tehran University of Medical Sciences considered one of the main reasons for the fading of ethics in human relations to be the lack of attention to the position and correct and comprehensive understanding of human beings, and He emphasized on paying attention to the true position of human beings and the importance of anthropology in explaining the issue of professional commitment.
Photo gallery of the first day
Photo gallery of the second day
According to the public relations report of the Alumni office, Dr. Nikzad Isazadeh, the head of the Science, Quran, Hadith and Medicine Research Centre of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, at the sixth seminar on professional commitment in health services, held on 26th and 27th of January 2023 in Ibn Hall Sina of the Faculty of Medicine of the University was held, He said: One of the most important and fundamental issues in the discussion of professional commitment is the issue of anthropology. In the Quran verses, the first verse that talks about humanity as a conscious creature is about anthropology.
He added: The subject of this conference is also professional commitment in crisis, and if we want to have a detailed and deep look at this discussion, we must see anthropology as the first step in professional commitment. God in Quran mentioned that the special feature of man is that he has the power of choice, and this power of choice is formed exactly based on the type of anthropology.
Dr. Isazadeh clarified: How you look at people determines your authority and choice. The types of definitions that exist for anthropology are based on experience, mysticism, religious philosophy, and revelation.
He continued: The importance and necessity of anthropology is obvious to all of us. Sometimes you study anthropology in the framework of human thought such as sociology, psychology, social and scientific fields, but sometimes you go beyond that and study anthropology based on religious and revelation teachings.
Dr. Isazadeh emphasized: But anthropology has three important points in the framework of religious teachings and the Quran. The importance of anthropology in the framework of Quran teachings is that, first of all, anthropology opens the way to know God. Anthropology is true that, in the upper horizon, it brings man to the knowledge of God, until this thought regarding the roots of creation, origin and resurrection of man is not known, you can be sure that we will have a deficiency in our professional commitments.
He stated that we are facing a crisis in anthropology in the contemporary era, and clarified that this crisis is due to the shortcomings that exist in contemporary anthropology, which can be seen as the inconsistency of views and the lack of internal coherence, the lack of efficient judgement about human beings. Not paying attention to the past and the life after death of a person, which is a very important point in the vision of revelation.
Dr. Issazadeh, referring to human inner desires, said: Human inner desires are divided into four categories: instincts, emotions, inactions, and feelings. That is, if a person wants to form a professional commitment, he must pay attention to these four elements. If medicine, in the world of medicine, looks at human being, it will be much more successful in providing services.
In the end, he pointed out: In order to be able to consider and define the correct value system for one's life, one does not go anywhere without considering the origin and resurrection. On the one hand, he should consider himself connected to God's eternal power, on the other hand, he should know that the end of the path is God. We all return to the same place, but in a place that we have decided. Everyone returns to God, one stays at the lowest point of the divine paradise and the other at the top.
Explaining that the opening ceremony of the professional commitment seminar in the health system began with the live speech of Professor Bahadri. In the professional commitment congress, Dr. Bijan Jahangiri, veteran professor of Pharmacology Department, Dr. Zohra Parsayketa, veteran professor of Nursing Department, Dr. Ahmad Jalili, veteran professor of Psychiatry Department, Dr. Mohammad Reza Mir, veteran professor of Cancer Surgery Department, Dr. Mohammad Eslami, veteran professor of Oral Pathology Department The memory of Dr. Maryam Pourreza was appreciated and emphasis was placed on the revision and planning of professional commitment training according to scientific advances and technological changes.
Seyed Mehdi Fazeli
International Relations Expert