Dr. Jafarian: basis of alumni office in TUMS is occupational commitment

TUMSAO: Chancellor of TUMS said that basis of medical alumni is occupational commitment and he added:’ it’s our duty to prioritize interests of community to our own interests and colleagues who distance themselves from this thought have not been able to do their duty’.
TUMSAO: 6th alumni ceremony was held in Thursday 6th July 2017, with presence of responsible, faculty and elite of health and treatment in hall of country ministry.
Dr. Jafarian chancellor of TUMS said:’ I’m very happy that you selected this University as your own University and this University is host of talents like you.’
He also expressed:’ Today alumni that have been graduated from this University that has antiquity about 80 years and through these years we have eighty and five thousand alumni and Today you have entered to alumni family.’
Chancellor of TUMS added:’ I accept that there are limitations in our scientific center but here has points that because you selected here as place of your own education, main reason for our selection is method of its professors and its students.’
There is no honor higher than presence in Faculty of TUMS/basis of TUMS alumni is occupational commitment
He also said:’ I’m very happy to pass all levels in this University and at now I’m teaching here and there is no honor higher than being faculty of TUMS.’
Dr. Jafarian noted:’ basis of our work as medicine and alumni is occupational commitment and without occupational commitment, there is no subject for our occupation.’
Our commitment is giving priority to society interests rather than our interests.
He also said:’ we have commitment to give priority to society interests rather than our interests and colleagues that have distance from this thought, didn’t do their duties.’
We must put our personal interests in next priorities and every work except health of society is in second level.
He also recommended to alumni of TUMS: You must exploit all levels of your life and time will pass and you will learn this in next years, we must pay full attention to all dimensions of our life.
He also said:’ I expect all of you as graduated students from TUMS that be effective person. I’m sure that Iran has opportunity for being a best place and this case will be reached with two conditions.’
He said about two conditions that graduated people must pay fully attention to that; it is morality and thinking, we must have thinking before action to select best method for doing works and according observance of morality we can reach to ideal society.
sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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