Executive proposes were expressed for second alumni integrated ceremony in meeting of alumni office responsible

TUMSAO News: in this meeting that was held in alumni office in 04.09.2013 many Executive proposes were expressed for second alumni integrated ceremony.
Head of contact with alumni office noted to capacity constraints in this training hall, we cannot invite all of colleagues and there is a determined quota for each school.
Dr Bahadori wanted from executive responsible to divide to 3 groups:
1. Alumni
2. Alumni families
3. Professors
He emphasized to regard to audience and this responsibility is in behalf of procedures committee.
He also about alumni sitting beside their families said that in graduation celebration, alumni have a different placement and must regard to ceremony principles.
Head of alumni office wanted from responsible to invite their school alumni in this celebration officially and chase their presence in this celebration.
Dr seyed Ahmadian noted to Dr Nouruzi as guard
He informed audience about music groups and other parts of celebration.
Dr Sayed Ahmadian noted to isolation of alumni accordance their scarf colors and said ceremony map will be delivered to audience.
At continuation of his speech said about cloth delivery process that we have selected a gift for alumni that will be delivered to that at the time of cloth delivering.
Ms Zahedi, head of administrative affairs said about different alumni wills and said about sitting in training complex that integrated scarves are very important.
She added that for distance between alumni and
She noted to dormitory holiday and said:’ many county students cannot use from dormitory cannot participate in celebration and this case can reduce participants in celebration. ‘
Head of administrative affairs added that past year alumni welcomed from participation in this ceremony and said:’ it’s better to invite past years alumni for participating in this celebration and wanted from schools responsible to provide these alumni list for office.’
At continuation of this session Arzou Rasti responsible of contact with alumni office in nursing and midwifery responsible added:’ we prefer faculty especially faculty women and wanted from ceremony holding responsible to cooperate necessary activities.’
Dr Jamshidi responsible of alumni office in management school noted to schools holiday and said that many staff in management school wants to participate in this ceremony and she wanted from responsible to allocate more quotas to staff.
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