First joint conference between TUMS’s alumni and Tehran University’s alumni

TUMSAO News: Abureihan’s courses alumni with TUMS public health alumni held a ceremony and remembered their memories.
11th September, Abureihan campus hosted its alumni. In this ceremony some public health alumni had been participated and one of most important reason for presence of these alumni in Tehran University was for past holding, public health classes there.
This report says after visiting and chatting, visited dormitory and remembered their memories and participated in a session with presence of chancellor of campus.
After session association members participated in another session and were decided about next sessions and scientific, social activities.
Before that, public health group and Occupational health group had held some sessions and holding a session in abureihan campus was its offer.
Using alumni comments for constitution of a society and using scientific, economic and social abilities of alumni were other decisions of this cession.
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