Formation of 5th seminar about 3rd integrated ceremony

TUMSAO: In 5th seminar about 3rd integrated ceremony, was emphasized on alumni and students cooperation.

In this seminar that was held in 22.04.2014, with presence of alumni office responsible and deans of colleges.
At the fist of this meeting Dr seyed Ahmadian, said:’ until now 500 alumni have registered in alumni office site, we hope all of alumni register in this ceremony until we can program better for this ceremony.’
Secretary of alumni office said about quota amount of professors for each colleges and wanted alumni office responsible to chase these statistics.
He also noted to importance of holding this ceremony with presence of PhDs, specialty groups and clinical subspecialty. He also expressed:’ next week, we have a meeting with residents in affiliated hospitals, professor Bahadori and medical school responsible.’
Dr sayed Ahmadian asked about pavilions sizes, penalties for failure to dresses delivery on time. He also said about university anthem and said that this anthem will be held in this ceremony. He also said that poet of this anthem is Dr Yadollahi one of our Dr Yalda festival winners.
At continuation of this seminar, Ms Zahedi thanked to audience and expressed her hope to hold this ceremony very well and competent and added:’ through visiting with colleagues from this place many conditions like as guests place, exhibition and catering distribution were reviewed.’
Ms Zahedi Public affairs manager added:’ in this celebration we have a cooking match for alumni and many items like taste will be reviewed.’ She also said about craft, charity, drug representative pavilions.’
She also said about selecting No.1 professor and students through their colleges and I hope with your consultation, we can provide a great spiritual gift for them.
Dr Akhavan, secretary of alumni office in Health College said that celebration singers must be more official.
Dr Monsef responsible of alumni office in Drug College said that because this monument has university logo, is an important official thing.
Dr nowruzi also noted to University’s appreciation programs and said:’ I think no problem would be establish in appreciating from best alumni.’
At continuation of this seminar, audience talked about monument details. Also was appointed to have a visiting in ceremony place next week.
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