Graduation ceremony for occupational health engineering students was held

Graduation ceremony of occupational health engineering students was held in 13.01.2014 in amphitheatre talent centre.

Graduation ceremony of health school students was held in 13.01.2014 in amphitheatre talent centre, with presence of Dr Akbari Sari chancellor of health school, Dr Akhavan financial and Administrative vice chancellor of health school and secretary of alumni office, Dr Kakui manager of occupational health engineering and some of professors and health school colleagues. At the first of this ceremony, Dr Akbari Sari expressed his happiness for holding this celebration and wished good luck for alumni and wanted alumni to deliver their proposals to him through their representatives.
At continuation of this ceremony, Dr Akhavan, Dr Kakui and Dr Zakerian speech and hoped for alumni succession. In this ceremony students’ representative expressed his memories and showed clips related to this course.
News source: Health School
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