Head of University said that note to God is success factor, in all of our life

TUMSAO: IN appreciation ceremony of 3rd integrated celebration was emphasized on selected people appreciation, TUMS’s alumni have been educated in skilled place and in skilled place will educate and for this reason, they need skilled behaviour.
TUMSAO: Appreciation ceremony from 3rd selected alumni and professors was held in threshold of Nativity of Ali Akbar (A-S), with presence of University president, faculty Members, dean of faculty, trustee board, alumni office responsible and all of alumni 2013-2014. In this ceremony, Dean of University emphasized:’ today we are in your service’,
He added:’ effort and modelling from these great men, is our important responsibility and you will be our future colleagues for servicing to people.’ He also emphasized that servicing and many other things are not always in accordance to our desire and we may be affected with storm in many places like as school, family or University and these obstacles and storms may destroy our targets and will be unsatisfied for us.
He also added:’ I expect from alumni to have an active approach against difficulties and problems, this is an important characteristic of active youth’, head of alumni emphasized:’ having new comments and executive strategies are too effective and very important and definitely, you can be great source of positive effects in the society.’
He added:’ University complex contains 1500 faculty, 15000 students, 15000 clerks, 3000 hospital beds in 3 treatment centres that is servicing to Tehran.’
Dr Jafarian also noted:’ I will predict that alumni separated from TUMS will judge, this university is the place for training. Here is an appropriate place for education and is best University, if you work in another universities you’ll reach to this talk’
He also added that sciences in addition to have been added to you, your ghosts have been great also.
He added: ‘entrance to job market after graduation, immediately is important character of TUMS alumni. In future, these friendships can be useful source in the future supports and we must use these opportunities.’
He said:’ at now, you are entering to job market and you must have a professional behaviour.’ He also noted:’ note to god is important factor in success in the life and we reach to great targets with God’s help.’
It needs to be added, appreciated from selected 25 professors 45 best alumni from 13 schools. Reading alumni oath, fireworks ceremony and live music were parts of this program that was very fun.
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