Holding 1st pathobiology alumni conference course of health school

TUMSAO: Emphasized on this school role in health promotion at 1st pathobiology alumni conference course of health school.
TUMSAO: In this meeting that was held in public health school’s amphitheater with presence of head of health school, Dr. Bahadori chancellor of alumni office, some of pioneer professors, pioneer alumni, students and pathobiology colleagues. Dr. Akbari said:’ health school’s promotions just because of colleagues’ perseverance, efforts, truly services.’
He also added:’ we are happy that this school has an effective role in country health promotion and we are indebted to pioneer professors’ efforts.’
At following this ceremony, Dr. Bahadori chancellor of alumni office speech:’ this school is mother of health schools around the country. It is impossible to find a school that our alumni aren’t present there directly or indirectly.’
He also noted that one of good works that can be done is holding annual conference with presence of graduations, students and professors to evaluate problems and difficulties and may solve them.
He also added:’ this office has provided alumni conference which we hope these conferences continue and all of courses may have these meetings. ’ Dr. Mirshafiei, pathobiology group manager reviewed pathobiology group history and said that this group is one of oldest groups in health school and this group had prominent professors.
In another part of this ceremony, Dr. saeedi pioneer professor of pathobiology group said about his memories and added:’ Thanks to God, I could serve in health school for years and I hope all of students who were in this school or will be here may be proud and victor.’
This report says, at the end of this ceremony some of pioneer professors, Pathobiology course alumni
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