Holding 2nd conference of pharmacy alumni entrance 1982

TUMSAO: With presence of pioneer professors of pharmacy school, came together alumni entrance 1982.
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TUMSAO: At the first of this ceremony that was held in pharmacy school on Thursday in 08.01.2015, Dr. Kheir abadi one of organizers in this conference wanted alumni entrance 1982 to introduce their selves and explain more about their activities.
At continuation of this ceremony, Dr. Monsef responsible of alumni office, said:’ I’m hapy that I could be organizer of this ceremony’.
He said:’ maintain your relation with alumni office until don’t miss these memorable days ’.
At continuation of this ceremony Dr. Shafiie pioneer professor of pharmacy school said:’ don’t forget god in your life and appreciate god for all of his blessings.’
He added:’ educate to your children, God cognition and servicing to people.’
In another part of this ceremony Dr. Dinarvand deputy for drug and food, said:’ among your alumni entrance 1982, some alumni have reached to high posts and they are lovely students until now.’
He also added:’ we proud to this point that we haven’t left this University after 32 years and we learned many lessons in this school and we hope to compensate professors’ efforts.’ He at the end of his speech said:’ time is going on and attention to opportunities and our age is very valuable, lets service to society and exploit from all of these opportunities.’
Note that Alumni conference of pharmacy school entrance 1983 was held with presence of Dr. Dinarvand deputy for food and drug, Dr. Shafiee, Dr. Farsam, Dr. Shamsa and Dr. Shariat Panahi pioneer professors of Pharmacy school also this ceremony was held in Shahid Abedini hall in Pharmacy school.
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