In 7th seminar about holding integrated celebration was expressed: integrated celebration with presence of....

TUMSAO: In 7th coordination seminar, for holding 3rd integrated alumni was emphasized on comprehensive cooperation of performers.
TUMSAO: In this meeting that was held with presence of alumni office responsible in colleges and related representatives, in 13.05.2014 in alumni office.
Dr Bahadori head of alumni office said:’ all of you are responsible and help each other and we must exhibit greatness of this celebration.’
He also wanted alumni office responsible, to have a great glorious welcome to their colleges’ deans.
Dr Saied Ahmadian, alumni office secretary wanted colleagues to provide information affiliated alumni, he also wanted pavilion responsible to exhibit donors very much.
Maryam Zahedi, public manager of alumni office said:’ approximately 2000 alumni in all levels have been registered, also registration in levels of PhD and residents goes on.’
She added that significant students have registered in cooking competent and said:’ we will donate some prizes to 5 winners.’
She also said that a group of alumni entrance 1964 that their representative is (Dr Fazel) would be participated in this celebration
Dr Behrouzi, responsible of alumni office in dental college said:’ integrated celebration is for all of public students and their parents and a little companies want to sponsor.’ He also said about dental examination team in their pavilion.
At the end of this meeting, was appointed that final arrangement of pavilions will be done at the final seminar, before holding integrated celebration.
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