In meeting of University Consultants, was emphasized on holding more magnificent of third integrated ceremony

TUMSAO: Head of University and university’s consultants in a meeting with heads of schools emphasized on holding third integrated ceremony more magnificent.

TUMSAO: In this meeting Dr Jafarian noted to greatness of these ceremonies, wanted from audiences to coordinate with others to hold third integrated ceremony in a best manner. He also congratulated Nouruz and said:’ I wish each Iranian person acts their duties very well, until his Organization can catch best result.’
This meeting was held with presence of Dr Jafarian chancellor of University, Dr Amini consultant and vice chancellor of University and deputies University, professor Yalda, Dr Bahadori chancellor of alumni office, Dr Gatmiry manager of public relations and vice chancellor of alumni office, Dr said Ahmadian secretary of alumni office and chancellors of schools and members of University consultants, was held in 09.03.2014 in meetings hall. Dr Bahadori chancellor of Alumni office said about history of alumni office activities and added:’ in 2007, at the time of Professor Larijani was appointed to establish this office’, he also continued:’ this office has a regular relation with former alumni and we have an office in each school and my propose is holding meetings with chancellors of colleges until they can be aware from our activities.’
He also wanted university officials to setup office logo on the University’s site, until all students can be familiar with this office and their duties.
Head of alumni office said:’ with agreement of consultant members, we will hold 3rd celebration with agreement of members.’ He also added:’ Tehran University is Mother University, TUMS’s integrated ceremony is great and is held in high level and many authorities hold in this ceremony.’ He also said that former alumni (graduated in past 10 years), will participate in this ceremony. These activities are done in renowned Universities like as M.I.T and Harvard.
Dr Zeraati manager of University’s statistics and information technology said that we have setup alumni office link on the TUMS site and added:’ Icomment that one booth must be established in integrated ceremony for registration students in Emails.’
Dr Saied Ahmadian said that integrated ceremony is an important symbol of country and added:’ At the first, for holding this ceremony we noted to foreign alumni office and review our facilities like as appropriate place and other things and we held this ceremony.’
He also noted to selection of University campus lawn and Azadi campus hall and added:’ this year for holding 3rd celebration accordance to University chancellor comment, we decided to hold polling from students, faculties and colleagues.’
He also wanted responsible to maintain their relation with University and support from this ceremony.
Dr Akbari, head of Rehabilitation College noted to alumni office colleagues and said that we must appreciate them, because in spite of being emeritus, they are very active and have a great cooperation with us.
At the end of this meeting, was appointed that integrated ceremony will be held in 26th or 27th May 2014, in Tehran University lawn and responsible and colleges’ chancellors must cooperate very well with alumni office.
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