Intimate meeting of chancellor of university and head of alumni office

Intimate meeting of chancellor of university and head of alumni office

TUMSAO: Dr. Karimi chancellor of the university became aware of activities of alumni office and scientific, the cultural foundation of Dr. Bahadori.




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               Dr. Karimi chancellor of TUMS came alumni office and became auware of activities of alumni office  and scientific, cultural foundation of Dr. Bahadori on Saturday, July, 4th.


               Dr. Karimi said: 'I have a sweet memory from student course that Dr. Bahadori was my professor and then I became his colleague.



             He added:'at now, most important concern of university is supplying dormitory requirements and medical staff in hospitals. We could have enhanced two times hospital beds, thus this year benefactors must equip dormitories  and libraries'.



          He said that if 3 dormitories is being ready this year, our dormitory capacity will be enhanced 1200 students. These equipment contain exercising, welfare, cultural  equipment.



              He added:' most important factor of Dr. Bahadori generation is different regard to university, they believe it and it has affected me too much  so I've known here as my first home'.



                    He added: 'we tried very much for building of heart center of tehran, this center has 3 scores: 1.  None-governmental budget, 2. Too many clients, 3. Low assistance regard to other centers but in-spite of  these problems, this center have provided many services like educational, research services.



                    He added:' many people have come here but they haven't remained, we tried to maintain balanced relation with them because good relation with them is more important than constructing a building.



                  TUMS has antiquity and has trained many  great medicines and surely indigenous will follow it.




                    At following, Dr. Bahadori head of alumni office said that around the world, alumni aid their university very much, in alumni office, We established a alumni network to aid university in different fields.


                   Then Dr. Gatmiri vice-chancellor of alumni office and head of University sponsors foundation expressed:' as past years, we have declared alumni office activities and I emphasize that Dr. Bahadori has a great  attention to students.



                He added:' beginning of corona virus outbreak, alumni office have aided too many health items (disinfectants, gloves and masks) to dormitories and treatment centers'.



                 At the end, he also said:' in scientific part of professional commitment, alumni office has programmed for holding it virtually and finally we want  to appreciate scientists of this field and corona virus pandemic heroes in festival part.









Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli


International affairs expert



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