Intimate session of graduations of new medical technologies was held with presence of head of college

TUMSPR: with efforts of student committee in new medical technologies and cooperation of alumni office met head of new medical technologies.
TUMSPR: At the first of this ceremony that was held on Monday 17th July 2017 in new medical technologies and after telavat Quran and welcoming, Head of new medical technologies said about ambassador concept and said:’ ambassador is a person who after doing a mission came back to his first place once again, and all of you are active in science acquirement but after graduations you must know University as your homeland and be source of benefits.’
Dr. Khosravani student and cultural deputy for college said:’ most of us, getting in to grate mistake and we are searching success and prosperity in out of us and for accessing to that we determine great conditions but real prosperity establishes in the persons and we must get best decisions.’
He added:’ code of success is taking up sweets from our side’
At the end of this ceremony, graduated students thanked to intimate atmosphere of school, they give some offers such as employment of graduated students, providing accessories and continuation of relation with graduated students;
At the end of this ceremony graduated students take pictures with faculty and responsible of school.
sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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