Launching European branch of contact with alumni office of TUMS in Budapest

TUMSAO: European branch of contact with alumni office of TUMS was lunched in European college of Avicenna in Hungary Budapest.
This office was lunched in margin of 24th conference of Nephrology in Budapest Hungary, with presence of Professor Semolwize associate professor of TUMS, Dr. Mirza Hoseini head of European college of Avicenna; European branch of alumni office was lunched.
In this program Dr. Gatmiri said:’ opening this office is an introduction for holding a great session here and collect TUMS alumni who are inhabited in Europe.’
He added:’ TUMS graduations around the world are origins of scientific services and deepest effects and we hope these conferences lead to synergic effect.’ He added:’ every alumnus in medical field or as a professor have educated some students and provided some valuable services.’
Dr. Mirza hoseini head of first alumni office of European branch added:’ I love character of Dr. Bahadori, he has a modest character. His students are great professors and they are active in education field.’
He said:’ Even when I educate as English language in different countries but I remember scenes of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and I tried to resuscitate name of Avicenna and we could express name of TUMS in European academic environments.’
At following, Dr. Mirza Hoseni added:’ I’m happy to have this responsibility and express name of TUMS around the Europe and I try to follow this duty in future.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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