Mahdi (AS) Smart Hospital was opened with the presence of the president

Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) Smart Hospital was opened with the birth of the Hazrat Mahdi (AS), with the presence of the president, members of parliament, current and former health minister, current president and former presidents of the university.

According to the public relations report of Tehran University of Medical Sciences ,Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) Smart Hospital has added a special capacity to the health system of the country with 880 beds in 108 thousand square meters.

In the opening ceremony on March 8, 2023, Dr. Hossein Ghenaati , the president of the university referring to the words of the Supreme Leader in drawing the future of Iran that "in 1444, Iran was recognized as one of the top four countries in Asia and the top seven countries in the world in terms of the overall level of progress and justice, and it has outstanding features of the Islamic society and the origin of modern civilization, He said: The main goal of the university in this management period is to eliminate the roots of inequality and achieve justice in health, and in this regard, we have put the construction of about 80 comprehensive health centres on the agenda, of which 25 centres are currently under construction and in these centres. Psychiatric, dental, nutritional services, attention to working children, etc. are provided. Referring to the special position of the university in the ranking systems, Dr. Ghenaati said: According to the H-Index, Tehran University of Medical Sciences ranks first among other universities in the country, and in the ranking of Shanghai, it has risen by 100 places to rank 400-500.

The president of the university said that the university's technological products are more than other universities in the country and added: University scientists have produced more than 180 devices with advanced technologies and 60 drugs in the pharmaceutical field this year, and some of these products have been exported to different countries.

Referring to the establishment of Sabatin University with the investment of Iraqis, Dr. Ghenaati said: Students have been admitted to this university and their first semester has begun, and we hope that this university will be ranked first in the region.

The president of the university explained the scientific achievements of the university and said: "The first artificial heart surgery, the first phase of the "gene therapy" project by cardiopulmonary therapy, the transplantation of different body organs, is one of the achievements of the university in using modern treatment methods.

At the end of his speech, the president of the university said, referring to the construction projects of the university: Dr. Shariati Hospital 2 on a land of 30 hectares, Cancer Institute replacement hospital with a capacity of 548 beds, Hakim Hospital (Children's Medical Centre 2) with 270 beds, Brain Hospital and Prof. Sami's hospital with a capacity of 300 beds will provide better service to the people of our country if it is put into operation.

The special capacity of Hazrat Mahdi Smart Hospital in the development of medical services

Dr. Saeed Nategi , Vice President of Medical Services of the University, referring to the characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi Hospital, which was previously known as Mahdi Clinic, said: This hospital has a significant impact on the field of treatment in the country.

He pointed to more than 40 percent of city visitors to Imam Khomeini Hospital and said: The standard ratio of emergency beds to total hospital beds is one tenth. With this calculation, Imam Khomeini Hospital has 1,250 active beds, of which 120 beds should be reserved for emergency rooms. This is while this hospital currently has 42 emergency beds, and due to the high volume of emergency patients, patients have to stay longer in the emergency room or go to other hospitals.

Dr. Nateghi called Hazrat Mehdi Smart Hospital to be effective in increasing emergency response to patients and said: This centre has 102 active beds and including outpatient beds, 110 emergency beds, which will create a serious opening in the emergency department of Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex. to be

Referring to the high number of operating room beds in Hazrat Mahdi Smart Hospital, the vice president of the university said: With 38 main beds in the operating room, in addition to 6 outpatient beds, this centre reduces operating queues formed due to the lack of operating rooms. And we will no longer have a waiting list for lack of operating rooms. 

Referring to the increase in the capacity of the Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex in the field of youth , Dr. Nategi said: By transferring the departments to the Hazrat Mahdi Smart Hospital, the possibility of developing the remaining departments in the Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, such as the women's department and special maternity beds, will be available. and in general, we will see a doubling of women's beds.

The vice president of the medical department of the university considered the activities of Hazrat Mehdi Smart Hospital to be effective in meeting the need for NICU and special beds for high-risk mothers and said: In the country, we are facing the limitation of the ICU department for babies and special beds for high-risk mothers, and the remaining capacity of Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex can meet this need.

Stating that Hazrat Mahdi Smart Hospital with 880 active beds and 522 inpatient beds in 108 thousand square meters, has a central and reliable role for the health and treatment system of the university and Tehran province, adding: We were not looking for a symbolic opening of the hospital and now that About 50 surgeries have been performed in the centre and patients have been admitted to 20 emergency beds and 170 inpatient beds.

Referring to the most important challenge of this complex in the passage of patients and their car parking space, the vice president of the university asked the authorities to support the university in providing the land for the  Guest house and the parking place of the hospital.

The unique centre in the country and the region,

Dr. Bahram Ainullahi, the Minister of Health, in the grand explanation of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) Smart Hospital, said: This project, which started in 2013, when it was handed over to the 13th government; Its physical progress was 80% and its equipment level was 50%. During the 18 months of the 13th government, hospital beds, medical equipment, laboratory equipment, ICU and CCU were equipped and completed.

The Minister of Health recognized Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) Smart Hospital as the largest medical complex in the health system during the Islamic Revolution and even before that and said: This centre is the leading hospital in Iran and the region and a national super project and its opening in this holy Day can be a turning point in the implementation of the justice and health excellence program of the 13th government.

Dr. Ain Allahi described Hazrat Mehdi Smart Hospital as unique in the history of the country's health system and said: This centre has nearly a thousand beds, including 522 normal beds, 204 special beds, 110 emergency beds, and 42 surgical beds. Outpatient is a unique hospital project in the history of the country's health system.

The Minister of Health called the wide presence of professors and the diversity of disciplines of Hazrat Mahdi Hospital (AS) unique in the region and the country and said: the activity of 380 faculty members in this centre and the number and diversity of its disciplines are among the hospitals of the country and the region. It is unique and this collection of educational spaces has set a standard in the field of medical sciences. Also, despite the elite doctors and scientists of this centre, the most advanced surgeries such as liver transplantation and skull base surgery can be performed.

Referring to the advantage of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) smart hospital, Dr. Ain Allahi said: In this centre, clinical processes, management systems and even its infrastructures are made intelligent using digital network and specialized medical services are provided. Smartization provides the possibility of easy access to electronic medical records, reducing errors, increasing accuracy in clinical processes, reducing costs and increasing productivity. 

In another part of his speech, the Minister of Health counted the total number of hospital beds in the country as more than 155 thousand beds and said: the number of hospital beds increased from 7 thousand 391 beds in the 18 months of the 13th government to more than 15 thousand hospital beds focusing on The less privileged and deprived areas have increased, which is about 10% of all active beds in the country.

Referring to newly built hospitals and treatment projects, Dr. Ain Ellahi said: The number of projects increased from 52 projects to 103 projects during the 18 months of the 13th government.

The Minister of Health announced the completion and delivery of 16 emergency projects with a capacity of 312 beds and 16 special clinic projects and said: One of the honors of the health system of the 13th government is the doubling of PICU beds. The capacity of PICU has increased from 556 beds in the whole country to 1050 beds.

Referring to the distribution of 181 items of heavy capital medical equipment in the country, Dr. Ain Allahi said: Aspect CT, PET CT, tomotherapy, gamma knife, etc., from September 2021 to September 2022, with a focus on underprivileged areas.

Emphasizing fair access to health services, the Minister of Health added: In this regard, more than 10,000 doctors, dentists and pharmacists have been deployed in deprived and less privileged areas.


The smart hospital of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) is a sign of ambition

Ayatollah Ebrahim Raeesi, the president, considered the opening of a well-equipped and decorated medical centre named Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) as a valuable work to serve the people and said: a lot of efforts in the governments It has been done in the past and with the efforts of various benefactors and officials to open this smart and dignified centre.

Ayatollah Raisi considered this hospital as a great sign of great effort and said: The title of "super project" and "major project" shows that a great and different work has been done, which is very valuable. This centre is different from other hospitals in terms of quantity and quality, intelligence and the number of faculty members.

The president stated that the construction of this centre to serve the people in a new and intelligent way and using advanced technologies is one of the honours of the country and added: The establishment of a smart hospital with the presence of about 400 faculty members is an honour for the country and the professors from this space They can be used for student upbringing and quality and practical education of students.

Dr. Raeesi appreciated  doctors, nurses and medical staff who were proud in protecting people's lives during the Covid-19 pandemic and said: The work of the medical staff in the face of the corona virus is exemplary and an example of sacrifice and forgiveness.

The president considered the production of advanced medical equipment to be another honour for the country and said: supplying 97 percent of the country's medicines as well as medical equipment produced by the country's specialists and technologists; It is competitive with the world and a great honour for the country. 

Ayatollah Raisi emphasized on the promotion of medical science and said: This is the quality that has made our medicine famous in the region and the world. There may be a lot of referrals and requests, but try not to reduce the quality of work in this field in any way.

The president considered innovative and creative human resources as a valuable asset in the country and said: Consider the trend of the country's best talents to medicine as an opportunity to improve medical science. In the field of medicine, we must achieve scientific authority in the region and the world and speak first.

Ayatollah Raeesi said: Let's leave the field open for theorizing and new scientific discussions so that scientific advancement takes place.

Emphasizing the improvement of the health sector along with the construction of hospitals, the president said: Investing in the health sector and paying attention to prevention can also affect the field of treatment. Something different should be done in the field of health so that people have less need to go to the hospital.

Ayatollah Raisi, stating that health and treatment accounts for a major part of families' budgets, said: We should use insurance and different methods to reduce the share of families in the field of health.


Manifestation of love in creating great works


In the continuation, Hojjat al-Islam, Seyyed Reza Taqavi, a member of the Islamic Parliament, appreciating the efforts made in building this centre, said: "All the beauties of the world are realized in the light of love, and all those who work hard in the field of community health and love They try to heal a pain and restore health to an individual, a family and a society. create that complement each other's work.

Emphasizing on the establishment of justice in health, he said: Justice must be spread in all dimensions of society and Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) comes to develop justice.


Seyed Mehdi Fazeli

International Relations Expert

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