Malekzadeh: presence of over 540 scientists with h index of 15 in Iran is kind of proud

TUMSAO: Deputy for research and Technology of health minister said that presence of over 540 scientists with h index of 15 in Iran is kind of proud.
ISNA scientific reporter says: Dr. Malekzadeh in 21st research center of Medical Sciences of Razi expressed:’ in late years we witness of mothers and infants mortality and enhancing people accessibility to health services and like as pat years, infectious diseases are not main reason of death.’
He also said:’ these diseases for reason of physical inactivity, obesity and bad nutrition that needs more research.’
Deputy for research and technology of health minister expressed:’ Health reform plan executed to reduce treatment services cost, therefore for more successes we must promote research.’
Malekzadeh said:’ after ending of constrained war, Iran experienced highest scientific acceleration and Iranian scientists could produce 240,000 scientific articles that among them there were 95,000 medical articles.
Deputy for research and technology of health ministry, said:’ in past years were produced 1000 scientific articles, whilst in last year 40,000 scientific articles were produced. Meanwhile in the medical field 20,000 scientific articles were produced.’
He noted:’32 percent of whole scientific articles relates to medical fields, meanwhile only 12 percent of research budget belongs to this part.’ He also noted:’ despite of financial budget shortage in the field of research and development but great promotions had achieved in this field.’
Deputy Research and development of health minister added:’ most research proportion of in the world belongs to South Korea but USA in terms of financial amount has belonged most proportion.’
Malekzade emphasized:’ in all of advanced countries at the first, government has been investigating and after that private part has been entering in this field.’
He also added:’ produced articles are effective in the field of productions of scientific found companies. And we could establish NGO research found.’
At the end, he noted:’ Emphasize of this year festival was research quality promotion and winners were restricted to determine best men and in other hand we promote prizes quantity.’
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