Meeting of the executive committee of the 8th integrated celebration was held

In this meeting, it was emphasized to follow health protocols, set up a vaccination booth and install signboards to guide the guests.
According to the public relations report of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Alumni Office, at the beginning of this meeting, which was held on Saturday, July 9, 2022, in the Alumni Office and with the presence of representatives of the Alumni Office in the faculties, one of the doctoral students of the Faculty of Health, Ayati recited Quran, so that if the committee members approve, he will be invited as the reciter of the celebration.
In addition, Dr. Seyyed Mohammadreza Seydahmadian, the secretary of the office, emphasizing the words of the late professor Dr. Bahadari about creating excitement and enthusiasm for students in a unified celebration, said: Tehran University of Medical Sciences, as the largest university in the country, spent a year in training specialized and sub-specialized forces. By holding this celebration, it shows. The arrival of this number of fresh people in the field of health to serve the society needs celebration and this is considered a national celebration.
He added: Considering that the venue of the celebration is a new place and needs a special arrangement for the placement of the guests as well as the installation of an audio and video system, it requires the cooperation of the faculties located at the venue such as the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry.
He also gave explanations about his field visit to the venue of the celebration, which was discussed with the suggestions of the representatives.
The secretary of the office clarified: due to the sunset before the official program, we have set up the exhibition, which will be fruitful if the faculties participate, and the official programs at 6.30 pm will begin with the speech of the head of the Alumni office with the students and with the speech of the university chancellor, appreciation The successful students will be presented with plaques, oath reading, fireworks and music performance.
Dr. Yahya Doulit, one of the senior graduates of the university and a member of the committee, also said: knowledge-based institutions approved by the university or university students should be present in the exhibition to represent the scientific ability of the students. He also said that the simultaneous broadcast and performance of an Iranian anthem composed by the late professor Dr. Gol Gulab by the students strengthened the unity among the alumni.
Then, Dr. Monsef, the representative of the Faculty of Pharmacy, said: "With the correspondence we had with the head of the drug syndicate, we expected a good reception, but unfortunately, due to the timing of the celebration and the holidays of the pharmaceutical companies in the first week of August, the presence of the sponsor in the ceremony is excluded."
Dr. Pourmand, the representative of the Faculty of Health, also reminded: The Faculty of Health celebrates its graduates one hour earlier on the day of the integrated celebration. He further requested to extend the registration deadline for the survivors of the celebration.
The representative of the Faculty of Nutrition, Dr. Javanbakht, also emphasized on the installation of advertising banners a few days before the ceremony and announced his readiness regarding the presence and monitoring of the food supply companies in the ceremony.
Dr. Sabrian, the representative of the Faculty of Para medicine, also expressed his readiness to cooperate in setting up a health booth and also to conduct a rapid test for corona virus for the participants with symptoms and added that we hope that we can prevent the presence of guests infected with corona virus in the celebration with this method.
Benhari, the representative of the International Vice-Chancellor, also said: International students requested a separate celebration before the time of the celebration, which was opposed by the Vice-Chancellor, and all international students are supposed to participate in this celebration together.
He also suggested that, in order to familiarize Iranian students, a booth should be allocated for international students to introduce their country's culture and customs.
Eng. Azmoon in charge of environmental health of the South Health Centre and the health committee official and health supervisor of the celebration also emphasized: Considering the continuation of the corona in the country and the outbreak of cholera, above all, it is necessary to observe health protocols and observe the hygiene of edible items such as sanitary water.
He also announced his readiness to set up a health booth for vaccination and emphasized the installation of signboards for health places.
Dr. Maryam Zahedi, the director of public affairs of the office, answered some questions of the representatives and stated that Professor Bahadri's scientific and cultural foundation will also support this celebration through its students and also suggested that any faculty that has the potential to set up an exhibition should announce the day before the celebration.
After the meeting, the members present in the meeting visited the venue of the celebration and presented their opinions and suggestions for the exhibition venue and management of the celebration.
Seyyed Mehdi Fazeli
International relations expert